so much to do

It’s been a long time since I last wrote an entry. A lot has happened and a lot is still happening. I’ve started my very first full-time position as an occupational therapist and it’s been so much fun! I’m also excited about getting a real paycheck twice per month! On top of the new job, I’ve been planning our wedding and it has been a whirlwind…so many things to think of. In addition, I’m supposed to be studying for the big OT exam!! It’s kinda scary to think that all the money and time spent will all come down to this one exam. I can’t wait to finally have my “R”.

That was close.

A very scary thing happened. On our first day back on the slopes, Jes fell while snowboarding. He tried to shake it off, finished the run, and completed another run. Back at the lodge, he checked himself into the Kirkwood clinic, had a mini seizure, passed out, and was transported to Barton Memorial. He ended up having abdominal surgery, stayed in the ICU for 3 days, transferred to Kaiser in Sacramento, and he’s now back his old self with a new scar down his tummy. Phew! That was close. Not the best way to start a new year.

Here are photos of our crazy adventure.

all grown up

Well, this is it. My last day as a student is this Friday. What am I feeling? I’m excited about having a job that pays! I’m anxious about taking the boards. I’m sad to still be apart from Jes indefinitely. I’m thankful for getting my new job so easily. I’m happy to have found a job that I will enjoy. This is a another big milestone that I’m trying to grasp and savor while I can. Times like these don’t come very often and it’s a good time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and where you are headed next. Gosh, to think that I’ll have health insurance and my first 401(k)! I feel so grown up even though I’ll still be living with the parents. *sigh*

I’ve got a wedding to plan! It hasn’t been easy so far and I’ve barely gotten started! The girls took me dress shopping on Saturday and it was so much fun! Their dresses are so pretty but very expensive. Although, I did find a couple that were reasonably priced. The consultant was a real b*tch but it just made the day even more memorable. So far, the best part about planning a wedding is that it’s a good excuse to hang out with all your girlfriends and be kinda “girly” for once. That’s fun.

It’s officially snowing season and I’m soooo ready to hit the slopes! We’re going on a 5-day trip to Tahoe this season and it’s going to be lots of fun!! Can’t wait can’t wait!!! Christmas is also very soon. There’s going to be another party/gift exchange and it’s at Dayantha’s this year. That should be nice. I love Christmas…

turkey, fried chicken, and pizza

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and everyone’s home for the holiday. That’s the best part, besides the food. Holly, Dayantha, Victor, Jes, Jimmy, and Yoon came home and I got to see them all. Tonight will be another reunion with my friends from UCLA. It’ll be fun to have the whole gang together again…Hans, Jesse, Mich, Mary, Linda, and of course Sandy – the birthday girl.

On Thursday morning, I woke up to the sounds of KOST playing Christmas songs while my mom was ironing and it was really cold in my room. For a second there, I actually thought it was Christmas already. The DJ was even wishing everyone a “Merry Christmas”.

Anyway, Thanksgiving dinner was at Jes’ house with his family. We had lots of turkey, ham, and everything else you’d expect. This year, my parents went to my auntie’s house and my brother baked a pot pie for himself at home. Thanksgiving is always a strange holiday for my family. Last year, we had a ghetto Thanksgiving with KFC and all the trimmings. That was fun. Another time when I was about 10, we went to Yosemite and were waiting to eat dinner at this nice restaurant but decided not to because the wait was too long. So, we ended up spending Thanskgiving dinner in our hotel room eating leftover pizza from lunch that was warmed over the heater. That was fun too. My family can be so non-traditional and ghetto sometimes but it makes it even more memorable and special for us. To this day, my mom and dad still have fond memories of that trip to Yosemite and get a nostalgic chuckle everytime we talk about it.

need money, need job

It’s raining today!! It’s also snowing in Tahoe finally! This is a sign that winter is almost here, which also means that I’m almost done with my internship! I can’t wait to be making some real money!

Speaking of…I started applying for jobs. On Friday, I had my first interview. It was actually with CHLA, where I’m working now as an intern. If I get this job I’ll have such a great opportunity to train, learn, and grow as a therapist! There are so many brains to pick and so many resources to refer to. I spent my day off calling, writing letters, reviewing my resume, and faxing everything to each potential employer. What a hectic day…kinda stressful too. The other thing that I have to consider is where I’m going to be and where Jes will be. I was looking forward to being with him again after 6 months at home but this plan may have to be postponed once more. You’d think that we were used to being apart but it seems to get harder and harder.

Anyway, wedding plans are sort of coming along. The wedding date has been set for October 12, 2002. The ceremony will take place at Jes’ dad’s church in Cerritos and the reception should be in a Chinese restaurant that can accommodate a lot of people. I’ve been looking at dresses online and in magazines but haven’t tried any on yet. Nothing else has been set yet. I have a lot of work to do! It’s hard planning a wedding when you have no money.

on my own

I just finished week 4 at CHLA and things are going well. I think I’m on track with everything I need to accomplish so far. My clinical instructor will be out all this coming week so that will be interesting. I’ve got 3 kids that i’m following independently now and i’m going to be picking up another one this week. He’s in the ICU though so I’ll have some supervision just to be safe.

Wedding plans are coming along slowly. Last weekend, Jes and I decided on a tentative October date for next year but haven’t really announced anything since we don’t know how the date will work out with the church and other vendors. I still can’t get over how much this will cost us. I’m just itching to get a job that pays so i can start saving money for it.

It’s almost ski/boarding season!! I’m so excited and can’t wait for it to start snowing in Tahoe!! We’ve got a trip planned for the end of the year already. It should be lots of fun, especially if it dumps and dumps! We’re going to stay in a cabin from Dec. 28 – Jan. 2nd. I’ve been waiting for it to snow again ever since it stopped…pray for powder!!