I hate Sundays.

I think the worst part of taking a long weekend or vacation is going back to work. It almost makes work worse when you go away for a while. That’s why I usually hate Sundays. It often means thinking about the laundry list of things I have to do on Monday, sending Jes off to Charlotte, and making sure I go to sleep at a reasonable time. Yesterday was no different, except I had to fly all of Sunday afternoon/evening to come home to my doggie and a messy house. I need one more day.

Worst bar ever!

Thanksgiving in Michigan was nice. The weather was chilly but a nice excuse to bust out the gloves and scarf. The weekend consisted of a lot of napping and hanging out with the family. On Saturday night, we met up with Victor, Susie, and Dayantha at a bar called The Blue Martini, which seemed cool at first but soon turned into the worst bar ever. Jes, Jason, and I went in first since it was cold and rainy. The cover was $10 and the bar was filled with single middle-aged whiteys and a sucky band. I suppose the boys would agree that the only redeeming thing about the bar were the not-so-pretty-looking bartenders all dressed in skimpy white tanktops with very large boobies. We actually waited 2 hours before Dayantha called and said they had given up. The guy at the door made them wait in a line of 10-15 people for no reason. Who did they think they were? Skybar?! It’s Michigan, people! After we decided to not give them any more of our money, we hung out at a cafe down the street to end the night with dreams of opening a bar in Hawaii together and sweating Jason about his break-up.

Apple Pie vs. Pumpkin Pie

Ah, Thanksgiving…it really has to be the fattest day of the year. Jes made a 21-lb. turkey, Jason bought the ham, and we worked together to get all the fixins made for about 18 people yesterday. Boy oh boy was it yummy – must have been all the butter we used! It was nice to see the family working together throughout the day to prepare the dinner and I was so happy to see Victor, Susie, and Dayantha. We ate, played poker, watched movies , and played videogames until the wee hours of the night. By the way, the apple pie won but it was a close race.

Gobble gobble gobble, fat turkey are we!

I love Turkey Day! It’s my second favorite holiday of the year. Love having everyone together to enjoy the yummy turkey, potatoes, and cranberry sauce…mmm…cranberry sauce. Anyway, this year, Jes and I will be in Michigan to spend the long weekend with Jason and the Lao parents. We’re flying out tomorrow morning. I hope there isn’t a weather delay. We were also pleasantly surprised that Dayantha will be staying put as well as Victor and Susie! I also heard that Yong and Helen will also be driving up from Chicago to join us. What a full and merry bunch we will be! It’s also supposed to snow on Thursday – woohoo!
Last night we had Thai food with Ryan and Michelle who are down in Orange County for Thanksgiving week. Anyone else coming home?!

A tour of the White House…

The White House, yes, the president’s house, has a website. Barney, the first dog, has his very own page that is quite humorous and gives a unique look at the White House at ankle height. Someone in The White House a little too much time on their hands.

Eek, a dead mouse!

A few weeks ago I wrote about how I saw a mouse in the garage. Well, today I came home from work to find that Koa had escaped from his pen. Next to the door was a flattened black mouse that was obviously dead. Wow…I won’t need to build a better mouse trap after all. Anyone need an exterminator?