It’s not too late!!

I just heard on the news that President Bush announced that any donations made to Tsunami Relief during the month of January can count towards your 2004 tax deductions. Cool, eh?
In other news, it has stopped raining and we’ve been wanting to go snowing in Big Bear but the roads are still closed and won’t open until this weekend. Anyone want to go this Saturday?! There are discounted lift tickets to Snow Valley at Costco!

It just keeps coming down.

It’s been raining for almost 2 straight weeks here in the O.C. It’s quite nice. My plants don’t need watering, our house is being tested for leakage, and my car is always clean. We were supposed to go snowboarding in Mammoth with Hols this weekend but we bailed due to the weather and we didn’t feel like sleeping on the floor again. Then we were thinking of making a day trip to Bear Mountain but fortunately we didn’t. We turned on the news on Saturday morning to find out that 200+ cars were stuck in the snow on Highway 18 on their way to Big Bear. Whew!! We could have been stuck in a shelter all weekend. Instead, Jes made rib eye for the brothers and our neighbors on Saturday night; we went to the bike store to look for bicycle trainers; Jes exchanged his TV; and we had Korean BBQ last night with Jes’ family.

huffing and puffing

It’s the new year and time to get back into running. I only ran once in the past 3 weeks and I can feel it. So, I went out for a 20-minute run up and around the hill with the dog and made me feel a little better. I think I slept better too. Anyway, I started a running log and hopefully it will keep me on track. I don’t have a race in mind yet but I’m thinking of going for a time goal. If I decide not to train for a race at least I’ll be stronger for the skiing!!

back to work…*sigh*

That had to be the shortest Christmas break ever. It was nice though…I just wish it could have been a little longer. Unfortunately, I had to go back to work and boy was it hard! I’m just happy that Jes is home for another week.

On another note…Southern Asia is still suffering and watching the news has been really depressing. There are so many organizations collecting money right now. Here’s a list of some: Red Cross, Mercy Corps, and Unicef. If you can help out, donate what you can…there are some really sad children out there with no more family left and sick people who need medicine and water.

Here’s a neat story about a doggie that rescued his 7-year-old friend: good doggie.

Happy New Year!!

It’s 2005 and time to make some resolutions. Jes and I successfully stood by our resolution for last year, which was avoiding fast food (particularly McDonald’s). It was tough to avoid picking up french fries at the airport but not so bad by the end of the year. This year we tweaked it. This year will be fastfood (anything we want) once per month.
We celebrated the new year last night by having Chinese food in Alhambra and welcomed the new year at KingKing in Hollywood. It was a low-key place with cheap drinks. Of course, we made the usual pitstop at Denny’s for some buffalo wings and nachos.

One last Christmas hurrah…

I was getting a little sad because Christmas had passed but got one last day of holiday cheer at the “Merriest Place on Earth”. We went to Disneyland on Thursday to sample some wine, fly over Yosemite Falls, and watch the snow fall. “It’s a Small World” was decorated with Christmas cheer as the dolls sang “Jingle Bells”, which made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Ah, Christmas has come and gone but we have a new year to look forward to with new challenges and adventures ahead. Goodbye 2004!