You’re gonna hate me tomorrow.

Jes’ goal this year is to ride a Century. My cousin, Pish, happens to be training for the same thing but is a little ahead in mileage. The other day, he called Jes and invited him to go along on long ride today. Jes, with only 25 miles under his belt, agreed and off they went. They started in Aliso Viejo, went through Santiago Canyon (really hilly), past our house in Irvine, and ended up back at Pish’s house for a total of 50 miles. Woo hoo!! You’re half-way there, guys!!

Happy Birthday, Koa!

Today is Koa’s 1st birthday! We didn’t do anything special. I just got him a birthday hat and had a fun time trying to get him to tolerate it on his head for long enough to take a picture. It’s amazing how quickly he grew and how much he’s changed. Jes always gets so angry when he walks around the house and sees “reminders” of his puppy days…a scratch on the sofa leg, teeth marks on the wall, shredded carpet, etc. Now he’s calmer, doesn’t try to tear holes in my pant legs, can hold his pee all day long, and goes to bed at 10:00 each night. Only 12 more years to go!!

Free Tuesdays

I came home around 2pm today so we got to go to the Orange County Museum of Art to check out their urban art exhibit. I really liked the photographs but some of it just looked like porn. It’s a good thing that admission is free on Tuesdays. Not sure if I’d be happy paying $7 for such a small exhibit. Oh, they also had a mini skate park but it was closed due to the rain. Got home within an hour and took a quick nap before my run. What a pleasant afternoon.


On Sunday, we took the dog for a walk and Jes decided to dust off the skateboard. With the snow season coming to an end, it was a fun way to somehow extend it a bit. At one point, he took it down a hill at full speed with no protection…flip-flops and all. *sigh* I was just waiting for him to hit a rock and have another emergency room fiasco again.
In other news, my Monday wasn’t bad. At night, I usually have stressful dreams or nothing at all. I actually had a pleasant/funny dream last night and it got me going on the “right side of the bed” this morning. I also took a PiYo (half Pilates, half Yoga) class this afternoon at the gym and it kicked my ass. I’m so weak…I should keep going.

It’s Nemo!

We went to the Long Beach Aquarium yesterday to visit our fishie friends. We had a charter membership back when it opened a few years ago but haven’t been back recently. Since then, the fishies have grown and it’s gotten rather crowded. However, we still got to enjoy the exhibits and “stim” off the moving fish. What I’ve realized during this trip is how popular clown fish and blue tangs have become. Unfortunately, none of the kids know their real names. All you hear is “It’s Nemo! It’s Dory!” At least their interested in our oceans and hopefully they’ll grow up trying to protect the Nemos and Dorys that we still have left.

Have they started cloning humans yet?

I had a crazy day at work today. At 2:00, I was expected to attend 3 different meetings at the same time. Luckily, the administrators were aware and allowed me to present my report and make my recommendations quickly and move on to the next. It’s weird how I’m “Miss Important” all of a sudden. At my previous job, I was so spoiled. Can’t attend a meeting? Get coverage! Attending a meeting for a high profile case? Get a supervisor to go with you! I don’t have that luxury anymore. It’s a bit stressful but kinda cool at the same time. I suppose you can call this an experience of “professional growth”. I usually call it a pain in the butt.