New Plane, Better Trip

In planning for our Thailand trip, I did some research on our flight, our seat assignments, etc. First of all, they changed our 20-hour flight with one stop in Japan to a 16-hour non-stop flight!! Excellent. Secondly, Thai Airways upgraded their fleet of planes to the Airbus A340-500. I didn’t really know what that meant for us but after doing a little more research I found out that it’s awesome! Of course their “Royal Silk Class” will be sleeping on flat-reclining seats and Premium Economy will have slightly more legroom. But in ECONOMY, we’ll have in-seat personal entertainment featuring on-demand movies, video games, and music. It’s like JetBlue! I also read that each seat will have a PC Power connection to keep your laptop charged the whole way! Woohoo!! We are ghetto-ing-it-up in style!! Brother, Daddy, Jes…if you’re reading this, I think you need to get up out of your seat right now and do a happy dance. Ready? 1-2-3…go!
Ok, time for the daily recap. I essentially had a half-day of work today since our usual afternoon Staff Meeting was cancelled. Yippee! So, I made a date with Marie and Cole. We went out for lunch. We went shopping at IKEA. We even went to Mitsuwa Marketplace! Fun times for us all…even for Taku-chan. He was in a good mood all afternoon and didn’t cry or fuss until the very end as we drove back to my house. Phew!

Let’s just get this over with!

The Nike Women’s Marathon is 4 days away and I’m getting a little anxious. I’ve trained. I’ve done this before. I’m even eating bananas! And I’m still anxious! All I know is that I need to mentally prepare for a 5-hour jog. I’m just happy to know that I’ll have friends to run with for the first 13 miles and that I’ll have friends and family cheering for me along the route. I guess the nice little Tiffany & Co. finisher’s necklace isn’t bad either. 😉
Let’s change subjects. I started a new photoblog today. I’ve been thinking about learning PHP so I can build my very own but then I found this site. It’s a neat concept…I just don’t know if any of my photos are worth showcasing in this format. It seems that just posting them on the blog I already have is enough. I suppose the coolest thing about a photoblog is that it will allow me to categorize my photos for easier searching and viewing. That’s all I can think of at the moment.

Hello, rain!

It’s raining today and I love it! We’ve been having some crazy hot/dry weather lately so I’m welcoming this rain with open arms. It was perfect weather for having soup and hanging out at Barnes & Noble all afternoon, which we did today.
On Saturday, I went to the Long Beach Marathon Expo with Holly. Unfortunately the vendors were pretty boring this year and all I came home with was lip balm and a Luna Bar. Later we went to Patti and Howard’s new house in Cerritos. It was in really good condition and will be a nice home for their little family. We also took Patti out for an early birthday dinner since both Holly and I will be our of town next weekend (her actual birthday weekend). When we got back to Patti’s house, Katie was awake so we got to play with her for a bit. She’s grown so much and has three little teeth in the front. I can’t believe she’s almost 1 year old!

catching up

Marie and Cole came over yesterday to have lunch and just hang out. Marie and I got to catch up and I helped watch the little dude so she could relax a bit. By the way, little “Taku-chan” is getting big and moving a lot. He can sit up and rock back and forth on all fours. That gave me a good opportunity to play with my camera a bit. It’s fun trying to capture the expressions and quick movements that this little kid makes.

Later in the evening, I met up with my old pals from PTN. Four out of the five of us have already left PTN and we’re all living in Orange County now. It was fun to see them again and we got to chat about what we’ve been up to lately and where we’re headed next.


The brother emailed this to me today. This is so typical of me and my brother together. Here’s an example…
Even when Johnny and I try to smile, my dad tries to prevent the “cheesy smile” by saying, “No teeth, OK?” Well, then it turns out like this…
I think showing teeth is good. Don’t you think?