If only they were all like this…
Check out this high school kid with Autism. He MUST have had OT when he was younger. Woohoo!! 😉
The Value of Money
They actually look like snowflakes!
Can you blame them?
Have you ever stood back to watch a bunch of white people dance? It’s very interesting. All the girls have the same bouncy-swaying-hairflipping move while the boys sway along, hold their arms in a flexor pattern, and try to grab some ass when the girls are not paying attention. I’m not saying that Asians are any better but it’s just really entertaining to watch. With some further observation and analysis, I realized that it may not be their fault. I’ve concluded that it’s greatly influenced by their Whitey music. It really doesn’t allow for any other kind of dancing with perhaps the exception of the classic hard-rock-jumping-up-and-down?. How can you really look cool dancing to Green Day’s “American Idiot”? I suppose the only song that I can find a decent beat to is “Play That Funky Music (White Boy)” but even that’s pushing it. I thought it was very appropriate for the band to end the night with “Sweet Home Alabama”. This seems to be the song that all the white girls jump out of their drunken stupor long enough to shake it one last time. You go girl! Shake that overexposed Buddha belly so we can all appreciate the beauty that is “The Whitey Dance”!
fixed it

By the way, I did something that I haven’t done in months. I was soooo productive at work today that I actually left my work files AT WORK! My backpack felt lighter and somehow I am completely relaxed and free of guilt. Now, that’s progress!
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