wet dog

I woke up this morning to blue skies and tweeting birds. Strangely by 10:00 am, the clouds rolled in and it started to pour! I love rain but the first thing I thought of was…”Uh Oh…the dog is outside.” Unfortunately, I didn’t have an opening in my schedule to go home. So…when I got home at 3:30, my poor doggie was sitting at the patio door, soaked to the bone, and staring straight at me as if I had thrown him into a pile of poop. Oh, dog.

no 8-clap today

I may have won my NCAA tourney but UCLA didn’t win the National Championship this year. They got spanked by the Gators today and it really wasn’t pretty. Just today I received an email from Michelle Gosom, who sent me an article on how Ed O’Bannon now sells cars in Las Vegas. I couldn’t find the actual article but here’s what it said:

from the LA Times article…

Unlike many former stars, he has refused to wallow in the past. Unlike many aging heroes, he is not embarrassed to embrace the future. O’Bannon has moved to Las Vegas and joined the car business. Yep, he sells them, on the floor, a guy with no desk and hard shoes, from fallaway jump shots to sweaty handshakes, from two-hour games to 13-hour days. “I always wanted to make a living as something other than a basketball player,” he says. “I wanted my life to go into another direction.” Findlay Toyota and Scion, Ed O’Bannon, Sales & Leasing, it’s all on his business card. “People see me and remember me and I’m proud to tell them — ‘No, I don’t play. No, I don’t coach. Yes, I sell cars,’ ” O’Bannon says. From one shining moment to power train warranties.

That got me reminiscing about our 1995 win. I remember watching the final game and going out to Westwood for a bite to eat and to celebrate the win. Instead, I found myself stuck in the middle of the party/riot that broke out. I luckily didn’t get hit with beanbags or get close enough to the burning KIIS FM van but I did get a very yummy burger at Johnny Rockets with a window view of the mess. Maybe next year, boys.

Later, skis. Hello, tennies.

Did you all remember to set your clocks foward an hour? It’s Daylight Saving Time!

With one less hour of sleep, we got up at 5:30 am and drove to Snow Summit today. The weather was a balmy 40 degrees at the bottom of the lift but got a little chillier at the top. The snow was hard packed powder that got a little softer as the day went on. These conditions don’t come close to what my brother was getting in Whister this weekend but what else can you expect from Southern California in April? I couldn’t help feeling a little sad on my last ride down the mountain but I was happy that we had a good season. Perhaps if the snow keeps falling in Mammoth, we might be taking one last trip up. We’ll just have to wait and see. Until we decide, it’s officially running season and I have some miles to log.

a not-so-dull-after-all day

I woke up this morning thinking it would be a rather dull, laundry-filled day. Well, instead, I had a semi-eventful day.

Woke up this morning and had a nice 3-mile jog with the husband and doggie. There was a mist of light sprinkles throughout the run and lots of ducks and birds in the river to keep me occupied. Then we went to the mall and actually found the Garmin Forerunner 205. It just came out and Garmin has been having some production issues so it’s been really hard to find. But we were the lucky consumers who happened to go to Sport Chalet on the day they get a shipment of ONE 205. Awesome. It’s a nifty little thing with improvements from the older version I’ve had for a while. I’m thinking of taking it with me to Summit tomorrow. I always wondered how far and how fast I can go down the mountain on skis. Haha. Don’t worry, Mommy, I’ll be careful.

This afternoon, Jes and I went to Supercuts and I finally did what I’ve been contemplating all month. I cut my hair. It’s not your average trim though! I cut 10 inches off. Whew! I also donated it to Locks of Love, which is a non-profit that makes wigs for children going through cancer treatments. For my donation, Supercuts gave me the haircut for FREE! Great program…a little kid gets a new hairdo and I save 15 bucks. Woo hoo!

By the way, UCLA made it to the NCAA Championships. I’m SO winning my tourney. It’s too bad there’s no money in play.

Veggies are cool but…

there’s nothing like a good steak. Jes and I had dinner at Mastro’s Steakhouse last night and it was so yummy. We had Mastro’s in Beverly Hills a few years ago and they’ve recently opened one right next to Jes office. The atmosphere is very lively with a live singer and pianist in the middle of the bar where people sit around the baby grand having drinks and often eat their dinner on the piano. The dining room is cozy and their servers are very attentive but not too attentive. The server we had was, in fact, very enthusiastic but not in an annoying way.

Anyway, let’s get back to the food. We started with oysters on a half shell, which were the freshest ones I’ve ever had. I normally don’t like oysters but these made me a fan. I thought I’d only want one or two but I ended up eating my share of three. Next was a warm spinach salad with lots of bacon and I didn’t mind the blue cheese much either. Maybe my taste buds are maturing. The main entree was the rib eye, which they split for the two of us. The smallest cut was 22 ounces, which was way more than enough for us. I think I had about 6 and Jes ate the rest. Their medium rare was actually medium rare and sooo good…buttery, meaty, not too salty, and not too fatty. Dessert was the creme brulee that came with berries on the side. It was your classic creme brulee…simple but a perfect way to end a greedy meal.

Going for a helicopter ride!

Huy just sent me a few photos from his helicopter flights. Apparently that’s it for him for now…it’s back to the classroom for a while.

Work still sucks right now but I’m starting to get over all the sh*t that’s still hanging around. Everyday is a new day and I’m going to keep doing my job. Besides, Jesse made me some chicken soup tonight and that makes everything better.