Browse Tag: lakers

Sweet 16

After 3 weeks of sitting in a dark bar surrounded by LA haters and countless fried zucchini chips, I am one happy camper.  LAKERS WON THEIR 16th NBA CHAMPIONSHIP!!!  Victor and I (a.k.a. 6th Man) have put a lot of hard work into this series and it paid off. We’ve endured night after night of being outnumbered by Giants fans (aka anti-LA fans).  There’s just something so sweet and extra-satisfying about watching the Lakers win in SF.

I was so nervous today at work and hustled to get home early enough to get to Pete’s for one last time this season.  It was packed and we got a good corner of the bar for our group of 15.  Fortunately for us the number of Lakers fans was comparable to the number of people rooting for the Celtics.

It was such as stressful game and I still have a tummy ache from the game 2 hours later.  Artest’s after-game interview was so cute.  He really pulled the team through this game and he was as giddy as a little kid at Disneyland.  Maybe I’ll have to get a jersey with the number 37.  Great job, Lake Show.  See you next year for a 3-peat.

Here’s a little video clip of the minutes after we won:

I’m in the mood for jello…

On Saturday morning, we took Koa to Fort Funston. Koa had a great time and as Jes said on our way back to the car, it was “nice and very restorative” for the both of us. I’m so relieved to actually have Memorial Day off this year.  I was in need a good “stay-cation” and it’s starting off well.

Later in the evening, we met up with the Masayas for an evening of Lakers Basketball at the usual place and in the usual seats.  We sat in the corner that we took over last season when the Lakers won the Championship.  Must have been good luck for us because the Lakers had to squeak out a win after going into the 4th quarter leading by 17 points.  By the last minute and a half of game play “the game [was] in the fridge: the door [was] closed, the lights [were] out, the eggs [were] cooling, the butter [was] getting hard, and the Jell-O [was] jigglin'”.  Ah…I miss the days of Chick Hearn.


Lakers flag

I could practically taste the win this afternoon but I was also afraid that I’d have to return to Pete’s on Tuesday.  We’ve spent the last 4 games at Pete’s drinking pitchers of Coors light and we were in need of a major detox.  At 3 pm, Susie, Victor, and Tinou snagged 4 tables in our usual spot and I showed up around 3:30 and helped make our group look a little bigger.  Tip-off wasn’t until 5:00 so we were a little nervous about the post-Giants game crowd giving us the stink-eye.  Eventually the rest of our group arrived and we were large enough to fill up the space.  There was also a super obnoxious guy across the way yelling “GO FLORIDA!”.  We kept our cool through the first quarter and once we tied up the score, he suddenly shut up.  Ah…peace and quiet.

Back to Back

It was great having everyone together for the game and Jimmy even wore his “Back to Back” shirt.

Number One

I also had my 2000 NBA Champions shirt that I believe has brought us luck.

It’s hard being a Laker fan in SF but it makes every win that much more satisfying.  By the 4th quarter, we had a commanding lead and won the NBA Championship.  We busted out the foam fingers and Lakers flag and had celebratory Kamikaze shots all around as the Bay Area/Anti-Lakers crowd headed out of the bar.

Group Shots

Great job, Lakers.  6th Man was behind you all the way.

Here are the photos from this eventful evening.