Browse Tag: joel

Mr. Mom goes to Tahoe.

Week 1 of Jes’ Paternity Leave is coming to an end and it started out well.  He really stepped it up and it’s made going back to work a little easier each day.  I don’t know if he has a greater appreciation of our little pipsqueak or being a caregiver but it’s great to see him so involved.  When I get home, he recounts all the blowouts she’s had, the walks that they take, and the little tantrums she’s had that day.  It’s also cute to see Kumquat give him a big smile in a way that tells me that she’s had some good quality time with him.

My mom is also here this week, which has been helpful with the transition and so that Jes could go to Tahoe today.  He went with his college buddies to see their old friend/roommate perform in his band on the big stage.

Everest is opened for Neil Young tonight and they were invited to watch from the pit and backstage. Here’s a photo of Joel being a rockstar.

By the way, they’re on a Corona commercial that was played during the Super Bowl this year.  Joel is the one on the right bouncing around with his guitar.

We’re also going on our first camping trip with Kumquat this weekend.  Everyone will be there tomorrow but since I’m working, so I’ll be driving Kumquat and Koa to the campground on Saturday morning.  It should be fun but also an interesting challenge to have a 3-month-old on this year’s trip.

Rockstar on Tour

Our friend Joel was on a 7-week tour around the country and his 3rd to last stop was San Francisco.  So, we went out on Wednesday night to watch him play.  It was at the Regency Ballroom where it was filled with lots of early-20-somethings ready to party.  I, on the other hand, was ready to shoot some photos of Joel and the band but had to check my camera at the coat check because it looked “professional”.  Bummer.  Next time I’ll have to ask him for a press pass or something.

Everest – Joel is the guitarist on the far right.

So, I got this photo (above) with my trusty iPhone and then later got my camera back to take a group photo by the bar.

Everest came out with a new album a couple weeks ago so we bought a copy directly from them (to maximize their profit) and a couple t-shirts too.  Sounds like one of their new songs is being played in LA on KROQ.  That’s cool.  Good luck with the new album, Joel!

Rock on, Joel!

Last night we went to The Independent to see our old friend Joel, “The Rockstar”, play in his band.  Everest was one of the few bands featured that night and it was fun to watch him rock out.  I also got to experiment with my D300’s ISO 2000.  I think they came out quite well without the amount graininess that I expected. It was so awesome to be able to take these photos without flash.

Anyway, it was great to be able to watch them in a more intimate venue.  He’s going to be playing at the Outside Lands Festival this weekend in GG Park and it’s too bad that I’ll be missing it.  We should be on a plane just about the same time they’ll be on stage playing for thousands of people on the lawn.

By the way, I think my poor old ears aren’t very tolerant of loud music anymore.

How sad.

I bought a CD.


Our old college friend (and Jes’ old roommate) has made it! He’s officially a rockstar. He’s in a band named Everest and they released their first album called “Ghost Notes”. They also appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien on Friday night! You can watch the video here. Click on “Act 5” at the bottom and wait for the little commercial to finish. It was so surreal seeing our buddy on TV.

Anyway, Joel is the scruffy blonde on the left. He’s wearing his favorite jacket with the elbow patches and he’s jammin’ in his own bouncy, rockin’ way as usual. The lead singer was unrecognizable on the show since the last time we hung out with them at the Bridge School Benefit, he was sportin’ a HUGE beard and stash. I didn’t realize there was a young decent-looking guy under all that hair.

In support of our dear friend, as we were having dinner with The Bangs and Sokol-Juns last night, we went online and each ordered a copy of their CD. I don’t remember the last time I bought a CD but this one was worth forkin’ over 11 bucks…and they’re actually pretty good! Yay Joel!!

Rockin’ Out


We went to The Bridge School Benefit this afternoon to watch our very own Rockstar Joel play on the Side Stage. He got us in for free before the doors opened to the public and we also got to hang out with him “backstage” before his performance.

We also inadvertently got invited to a very deep Navajo “saging” ceremony to commemorate a man that adopted Neil Young into their family/tribe many years ago. He used to bless the stage each year but passed away recently. So, his daughter and grandson were in a handmade tepee that was on display and they burned some sage to bless the concert and remember him. It was very special but a little awkward since we just happened to go inside just to check out the cool-looking tepee.

Anyhoo…The name of Joel’s band is Everest and they’re in the process of recording an album that is scheduled to release early next year. They performed on the Side Stage just next to the mainstage an hour before the concert kicked off and sounded great today. A lot of people stopped to watch the show and were interested in who they were and if they had a CD for sale. We also sat next to a few young future groupies who were getting all excited to meet the band members and thrilled to get their sample CD. It was great to see Joel up on stage doing what he loves most. I can remember him always sitting in a dark candlelit room at Roebling playing his guitar for hours and I’m pretty excited for him. Once his performance ended, we actually didn’t stay for the actual concert but I’m sure it was good…if you’re a Metallica or John Mayer fan.

Here are some photos from today’s concert.

Growing up…

Last weekend was Patti’s bridal shower and bachelorette party. I drove up to SF with Patty Shih on Friday and it was so much fun! All the festivities were on Saturday. It was so nice to see all the girls together again and to get caught up with everyone. Holly, Jane, and Timmie (the bridesmaids) did such a great job too! Patti was such a good sport…*sniff* made me proud. I still can’t believe that one of us is actually getting married!

Last night I went to see an old friend from UCLA play in his band. The group is called “Wild Gift” and they sound like a mix between Pearl Jam, Live, and Incubus? Anyway, it was awesome to see Joel up on stage and being a ROCK STAR! He was really jammin’ on his acoustic guitar! Tonight we’re going to see him play at the Roxy…should be cool. Well, I’m half-way done with my internship at Rancho…only 6 more weeks to go!

Today I will be having a little “midterm evaluation meeting” with my Clinical Instructor. This should be interesting. I’m feeling like I’m in the flow of things at Rancho and can’t wait to be done! I love the experience but I’m just feeling the burn right now. Some say that the last 6 weeks there will fly…I sure hope so. Can’t wait to find a real job that pays.

Jes got a job this week! It’s not his “ideal job” but it’s better than unemployment! I’m relieved and I think he’s somewhat at peace. The job is at a home equity firm in San Ramon. He will actually start on Monday…yikes!