Browse Tag: europe

Coming Home

IMG_6274The boys headed home overnight.IMG_1904Here’s Squirt and Jimmy WAAAAAY down the aisle.  Business Class is luxo.

IMG_1906Welcome back to San Francisco!!


Jes was hungry and craving something Asian so we had ramen.IMG_1913 IMG_1914Reunited!!  Yippee!!

End of the Week


On Thursday night, Jes and the group went out for dinner and drinks.  He didn’t get back to his hotel room until pretty late. IMG_6213The next morning, Squirt a photobombed a photo of Jimmy running a meeting.

Grenoble, France

IMG_6163 After checking into the hotel, Jes headed to the office.  On this trip, there isn’t any snow on the mountains.  Too bad.IMG_6157Squirt got to relax while everyone was hard at work.

IMG_6154Jes got one of his favorite things for breakfast this morning – a soft-boiled egg.  Yum.

IMG_6164Dinner looked pretty fancy this evening as well.

DC to Geneva

IMG_6108Jes sent photos from his second leg of the flight this morning.

IMG_6110That’s quite a breakfast!  He arrived in the early morning and then had to drive from Geneva to Grenoble.

IMG_6109I’m glad they arrived safely.

Off to France

IMG_6059Jesse left the house at 5am today to catch a cab to SFO.  He’s headed to Grenoble, France for work and will be away for a whole week.  Just like last time, he had a stowaway but this time it was Squirt.  He sent us pictures all day long and KK was very amused.

IMG_6057They flew Business Class and living the good life up in the air.IMG_6090 IMG_6081There was a layover in Washington D.C. so he got to hang out in the United lounge.IMG_6082Look who’s also on this business trip!IMG_6080That looks like a good snack.  Next leg is from DC to Geneva.  They should arrive tomorrow morning (7am their time).