Browse Day: September 13, 2020

Six Months of SIP

Today is 9/13/2020 and it’s been 26 weeks or 6 months since schools closed, events and sports were canceled, and we were on the brink of a complete shut down on outside life as we know it.

I now have a full supply of masks, face shields for the kids, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and rice but sanitizing wipes are still hard to get. In the Bay Area, salons and movie theaters are not open yet, restaurants are only open for outdoor dining, schools are all online, and the kids are used to wearing a mask when we go out now. We JUST started going back to Aquatech for swim lessons two weeks ago but they have very strict rules.

The kids started remote learning on 8/27/21 and they are much more organized and demanding this school year.

On top of all that’s happened, we now have a flurry of wildfires everywhere we turn. The air quality has been unhealthy for the past 4 weeks so even going outside has been shut down for us.

On Wednesday (9/9/2020), the sky was an eerie orange color and it felt like the middle of the night at 11am.

Fortunately, we are all still healthy and well. The extended family and our friends are all well too. Work has been busy but it’s not COVID-related.

What’s on the horizon for us in the next 6 months? I have no idea but I’m prepared to keep the kids at home for school and we probably won’t see the Hawaiian islands this year. Disneyland hasn’t even opened yet so we likely won’t be there for Christmas Eve this year as well. Birthdays have come and there are more to come. We’ve been lucky to have a family down south to help expand out bubble for our sanity so the holidays should still be festive for us.

On to the next month!