Browse Day: October 20, 2018


Jes smoked a whole brisket today and we invited the neighbors over for dinner. They all brought sides and dessert to complete the meal.

Here is the brisket up close. Turned out pretty well but Jes said it could have been better.

While the brisket was smoking, Jes also spent the afternoon mounting the TV to the wall.

Tomato Garden

In early July, I planted some heirloom tomato seeds (two in the back) in the Aerogarden. This is what they looked like on Day 19.

I later moved them into soil outside (two short darker ones in the middle) and they continued to grow. Here they are on Day 59 (8/30/18). I planted basil plants next to each of them (two lighter taller ones).

The plant grew some flowers on top and a few days later (9/3/18),I found my first baby tomato!!

About a month later (10/11/18), I had a ton of green tomato clusters!!

On 10/14/18, I was able to harvest my first batch of tomatoes! Some were already red and the others were picked to ripen on the vine inside the house.

Love these colors!

KK said they were yummy and Peanut (who hates tomatoes) actually tried a couple.

Here’s what they looked like about a week later (10/20/18). So red!