Browse Month: October 2017



This is what our kitchen looked like before we demolished it.


We got cabinets installed this week and so happy with how much more open it looks already. We also had the doorway from the hallway to the kitchen widened.


Here is the inside of the kitchen before and after. They tore down the wall to the left of the sink and there are no more cabinets overhead.


Our sink, stovetop, and dishwasher have also arrived this week. Can’t wait for it all to be done…for so many reasons.  Living the camping hotel life is rough with two kids.

Work in Progress


We are into Week 3 of the kitchen remodel and we’re seeing changes everyday. By the first week, we had all the cabinets and appliances removed, the random wall blocking the entrance to the kitchen counter was also removed. By the second week, the contractors started rewiring electrical and rerouting pipes.


In the meantime, Jes installed a sink out in the patio, which has made washing dishes a lot easier than doing it all in the downstairs bathroom sink.


New canister lights were installed, the counter height was lowered, and the wall was opened up (on the right).

This week, we will have the floors completed along with installation of the new cabinets.

Santa Rosa/Napa Fires


On the morning of 10/9/17, we woke up to the smell of smoke in our bedroom since we usually sleep with the window open.  I woke up really early that morning and turned on the local news to see that Santa Rosa/Napa were on fire. This is one of the biggest fires in history and it burned for days. This is a photo of the Bay on the first day.


The air quality went from moderate to unhealthy very quickly and lasted for at least a week. It made sunsets really eerie with the red glowing sun and orange sky. This is a photo that Jes took from the ferry on his ride home on Wednesday.


The kids have had to stay indoors all week at school and all evenings after school. The playground outside was desolate and we had to turn the TV on to keep them contained and away from the kitchen dust too. What a rough week.


Here’s what the view of SF from the ferry looked like on Friday.  Yuck.

Kitchen Remodel


We are finally starting the kitchen remodel. It’s been about 6 months since we moved in and we were still using the original cabinets and some really old appliances. It was time to get this project going.


Over the weekend (while Brother and family were in town), we had to clear out the kitchen and dining room.  We moved all the toys and KK’s desk upstairs and set-up a temporary dining/meal prep/pantry area. This will be where all the action will take place and it’ll be like living in a hotel for the next 5-6 weeks.


On the morning of 10/9, I took a photo of the original kitchen before the crew arrived to tear everything out. Goodbye old kitchen!