Browse Day: July 31, 2017

Baby Boy is TWO

Our little Peanut turned TWO today.

Time certainly has flown by with this guy.

This spirited little boy has quite a sense of humor and certainly makes his emotions known. He has no volume control but thankfully holds a tune when he sings. He loves his sister and wants to do everything she does. He also has a mind of his own and tends to say “NO!” to everything first and then says “I want it!” He has learned so much in daycare these past few months and knows his colors, animals, and tons of songs. He can wash his hands and clean up after himself after meals like a big boy too.  He’s a much better sleeper than he used to be and naps like a champ. He frustrates me to no end most mornings but makes it up in big hugs, smooches, and charm.

Happy 2nd, Baby Boy! Love you!