Browse Day: June 17, 2016

Having a little fun…


It’s always nice to have a random workday off. It’s even nicer when your husband can join you. We left Peanut with Mirian today while we took KK to see her first movie this morning. Later in the afternoon, we went on a little pub crawl around the neighborhood. It started at the cafe downstairs and then moved over to The Yard.


We later added Peanut to the mix and still had a good time.


This is basically my version of Happy Hour lately.

Eventually, every one in the house fell asleep and I was left alone with some free time on my hands. Teresa sent me a link to the CheerioChallenge and I thought I’d give it a try with some leftover puffs.


This one was the hardest. Peanut is a SUPER LIGHT sleeper and my hands were not the steadiest tonight. I had 5 on his head at one point but two rolled off.


Then I stacked some of Jes. This one was challenging because his arm would move up and down as he breathed.


KK is probably the easiest because she is a pretty good sleeper. I just had to wait for her to get into a deeper sleep because when I tried earlier, she would wake up each time a puff rolled off her face. Heh heh.

This is what I do to amused myself nowadays.
