Browse Day: March 19, 2016

morning updates


Ever since I started working again, Jes has been taking KK to school and picking her up everyday.  There are some mornings when she’s really good and will get dressed on her own and stay out of trouble while he’s on a call and Mirian is taking care of Peanut and Andrea.  Some mornings, she’s been an emotional rollercoaster in the morning. One tiny thing will set her off and she’ll give Jes the silent treatment on the train ride to school.  It’s usually because Jes said “no” to something ridiculous like she wants to wear something inappropriate for the weather outside (like rainboots when it’s 70 degrees and sunny outside) or she didn’t get to press the elevator button. I usually get an update after drop-off and today was pretty funny. It also shows how some mornings just don’t go as planned.


This morning, I had bought doughnuts for my co-worker’s going-away breakfast and brought back doughnut holes for KK. She got two balls and some milk while I was packing her lunch. Unfortunately, I forgot to give he the yogurt too and she ended going on a snacking frenzy while Jes wasn’t paying attention.