First Day Back
Surprisingly, this morning went well. Peanut was up at 6am. I fed him and then he fell back to sleep. He looked so peaceful and so adorable.
Since he was sleeping, it gave me lots of time to get ready for work and then get KK ready for school. I was out of the house by 7:30am and I enjoyed the quiet drive to work all by myself with the radio turned off. It’s been a while since I had last had some alone time to just think and prepare for the day. Before going on leave, I was taking KK along with me across the bay everyday for at least a year. Now it’s just me in the car and it was a nice change. I parked and arrived in the office at 7:55 am (5 minutes early!)
On my desk, were a bunch of special treats from my dear friends. Thanks, ladies!!
At the end of lunch, I was treated to cookies and ice cream!! So sweet. I was surrounded by good friends and had a pretty easy work day. This definitely made the transition back to work as easy as it could have been.
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