Beakatude is all better now so there are some backlogged posts (mostly from Hawaii) down below. I’ve also added photos to some of last week’s posts. Hooray!
Here are some links:
Beakatude is all better now so there are some backlogged posts (mostly from Hawaii) down below. I’ve also added photos to some of last week’s posts. Hooray!
Here are some links:
Surprisingly, this morning went well. Peanut was up at 6am. I fed him and then he fell back to sleep. He looked so peaceful and so adorable.
Since he was sleeping, it gave me lots of time to get ready for work and then get KK ready for school. I was out of the house by 7:30am and I enjoyed the quiet drive to work all by myself with the radio turned off. It’s been a while since I had last had some alone time to just think and prepare for the day. Before going on leave, I was taking KK along with me across the bay everyday for at least a year. Now it’s just me in the car and it was a nice change. I parked and arrived in the office at 7:55 am (5 minutes early!)
On my desk, were a bunch of special treats from my dear friends. Thanks, ladies!!
At the end of lunch, I was treated to cookies and ice cream!! So sweet. I was surrounded by good friends and had a pretty easy work day. This definitely made the transition back to work as easy as it could have been.
Today is my last day of maternity leave. It’s been a good run. I’ve been off work since June 27 so it’s been almost 7 months – the longest period of time that I’ve ever not worked. Unfortunately, a lot of it is quite a blur. Sleep deprivation has had a lot to do with it but it’s also because raising two small children is a lot more work and chaos than I imagined.
A part of me is relieved to be going back to work. I don’t know why because the work sounds hard and not as fun anymore. Likely it’s because I miss seeing my friends. I’ve missed our day-to-day antics and sometimes a weekly text message just doesn’t cut it. I’m thankful that I work at a place where the people miss me. I’m also looking forward to the additional income. We’ve been doing fine while I’ve been off but it will be nice to have that little extra money to save and use for what we need or want.
A bigger part of me is very sad for more obvious reasons. I’ll really miss my baby boy. But now that he’s turning 6 months in 10 days, I suppose it’s time for him to explore the world without me around. He’s a social little guy and will love being taken around to the park, the library, and wherever else Mirian decides to go. He’ll also learn Spanish and play with other kids. I went out quite a bit these past months but not to the same extent. He’ll also get more attention since her time will be devoted to him and not to the laundry or dishes.
I’ve also had some quality time with my first born. I admit, we’ve had some rough times but it’s been worthwhile. She’s become more independent, strong-willed, and opinionated (aka 3 years old) and I have had less energy, less patience, and less time for her. It was nice to have had that full month with her before Peanut was born but I just wished I wasn’t 8 months pregnant. All she wanted to was for me to run with her outside or play with her on the floor. Both were very hard at that point in my pregnancy. It was nice to be able to walk her to school, pick her up, and just be there when she needed a little extra time to warm up. I’m also so thankful that the addition of a little brother has been positive for her and that she has completely embraced her role as a big sister.
One of the advantages of being off was that I was able to travel more frequently and for longer periods of time. We were able to take a long weekend in Napa, go to Vancouver for a week, spend a week in Cerritos, play in Hawaii for a week, and then stay in Southern California for 10 days for the holidays. I never felt rushed to head home and I didn’t have the same sense of anxiety that I normally do when I know I have to return to work the next day. All these trips were so memorable and gave us some needed time as a family of 4 and with our extended family as well.
I suppose I’m ready to embark on this next stage. It’s back to full-time work and hopefully I’ll find a way to balance family and work in a way that doesn’t drive me insane. Wish me luck!
1/13/16: The site is back up. Hooray.
1/11/16: KK and Peanut’s site got hacked this morning. It’s getting fixed but won’t be up for a day or so. Thank to Brother for helping me out. 🙂
Happy New Year!! I can’t believe it’s 2016 already. I don’t really know where 2015 went! At this point, it’s all kind of a blur. It must be the lack of sleep. All the days have sort of blended in with each other. I was either pregnant or taking care of an infant, which made it one crazy ride!
Best Moment:
Meeting my baby boy on July 31st. He was born healthy and big. He came out hungry and still has quite the appetite.
Best Meal:
Unfortunately, Jes and I don’t get out much anymore. Honestly, my favorite snack of the year was the night we brought Peanut home and Jes poured me a small glass of wine. I drank that glass in bed with some Pringles.
The most memorable meal, however, was when we went to Morimoto in Napa with 6 adults and 5 kids. It was in the middle of a heat wave and the A/C in the restaurant wasn’t working. I don’t think all 6 adults were ever sitting at the table at one time and at least 4 adults had a child in their lap. The meal was still really good but the experience was a little more chaotic than we would have liked.
Best Vacation:
It’s a tie between the two trips to Hawaii. Both were with family/friends and both were really fun. I feel fortunate to have been able to go TWICE in one year!! Runner up was our trip to Vancouver.
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