Browse Month: August 2015

Almost back to some kind of normal

IMG_8964Hello! Peanut is now 3 weeks old and life is getting into a routine now.  My mom and I (lately just my mom) have been taking KK to school in the morning and then take a nice morning walk home.  Thankfully, we’ve had some nice weather.

My recovery has been good so far but I had a little set-back earlier this week when I woke up on Monday morning with chills and body aches.  My head was also hurting for a couple more days.  Since I didn’t have a fever, I waited until Wednesday to see if things would clear up before calling the doctor.  Fortunately, I felt like a million bucks by Wednesday morning.  The OB nurse actually called me on Friday just to check in and I asked about the symptoms.  She said it sounded like hormonal symptoms and not an infection.  Well, that’s good.  Glad I got over all that quickly.  As of Wednesday, I’m down 20 pounds from my maximum pregnancy weight (which was only 15 pounds) but my body hasn’t exactly gone back to normal yet. I’m still walking a lot and when I tried to run the other day, I was pretty sore after.  When I asked the OB nurse on the phone, she said to hold off on running and lifting weights for another couple weeks until I have my follow-up appointment with the doctor.

IMG_9120We’ve had family over to visit and it’s fun to have all the 2nd cousins (above) and 1st cousins (below) together.IMG_8826

IMG_9333Traveling is going to be quite the circus next time we all have to fly together.

IMG_9200The other day, Peanut and I went out for a quiet lunch together.  I had a turkey sandwich, one of the things I missed while I was pregnant, and it was SO yummy.

IMG_9224This week, I had my first Happy Hour with the girls from work.  It had been a couple years since we were all together and all able to have a glass of wine at the same time.

IMG_9223We had dinner and got to catch up on everything.  I always have a good laugh with them and they got to meet Peanut.

IMG_9220It was just what I needed to recharge.

I’ve really missed seeing these girls everyday.

IMG_9325This weekend, we went to Hog Island and I got some tasty raw oysters and halibut crudo.  Aaaah…so nice to be able to eat raw stuff again.

IMG_9047These past few weeks have been a little crazy but when I see these two, it makes it all worth it.  I’m happy that I have this time at home with them and look forward to watching them both grow up together.

Family of 4

IMG_8757It’s been a week since we came home with our newest family member and it has been going rather smoothly.  It has been a week of changes, transitions, and a new schedule.  We’ve also managed to go out to lunch, dinner, and for a long walk to the Farmer’s Market with baby this week.

IMG_8498On the day after we came home from the hospital (last Monday 8/3), KK started preschool.  It’s located just down the street from Jes’ work and despite some expected tears in the mornings, she braved her first week and had some fun too.IMG_8882

I’ve had to learn how to pack food for KK again since this new preschool does not provide lunch.  I try to keep it balanced and she comes back with most of it eaten.  The first couple days, she would eat some and tell her teacher that she was going to save the side dish for home.  I think she was just too sad to eat because by the end of the week, she was coming back with less food leftover.

IMG_8466In the meantime, I was making adjustments to our new life with a 2nd child.  It was surprising how chill it has been at home while KK has been at school.  Taking care of an infant has been pretty easy since all I do is feed him, change him, and watching him sleep. While he sleeps, I have lots of quiet time to rest, clean, and take care of stuff that I was too distracted to complete when I had a 3-year-old calling my name every 2 minutes.  IMG_8443We’ve also had to take Peanut to the pediatrician a couple times for his check-up and weight checks.  There was an initial concern because he was looking jaundiced and had lost a pound off his birth weight.  Luckily, my milk supply increased fast enough for him to catch up.

IMG_8653 Having my mom around has been so helpful. It’s nice to have another person around to help keep the house reasonably tidy and organized. She also helps keep KK company when I’m busy feeding the baby and she’s been cooking some of my favorite dishes.IMG_7737IMG_8661I’ve been eating rather well this past month.

IMG_8402 On our first night home from the hospital, I had my first taste of wine since last fall.  It was just a few sips but it was so refreshing.  IMG_8601On Thursday, I was finally feeling a little more normal and “put together”.  That same day, Jes and I went to lunch on our own with the baby (his first outing) and I got a nice glass of wine with my tasty shrimp po’boy.  Ah…so good.

IMG_8775My recovery has been uneventful and seems faster than the first time around with KK.  I gained a total of 14 pounds this pregnancy and I’m down 18 pounds already this week.  Most of it was baby, placenta, and fluid because I’ve still got a bit of a tummy.  I’ve managed to walk to the Ferry Plaza and back with some soreness afterward but I’m feeling pretty good overall.  I’m thinking of running a 5K in late September and will give jogging a try in another week or so depending on how I’m feeling.

IMG_8671I am so in love with this little boy and it’s true that you can love your second child just as much as your first. I can’t wait to see his personality come out week by week.

We’re home!


Here’s Peanut’s going home outfit – picked out by his big sister.


We got a photo taken as we were leaving the hospital.  I’m so happy we did this because I regretted not doing this with KK.IMG_8395We settled in nicely and KK was so sweet to her baby brother.  Let the new adventure begin!!!

Peanut has a name.

IMG_0838 This morning the birth certificate lady came by to pick up our form and we had to make a decision on Peanut’s name.  So, here is our official announcement:

Name: Jon Tyler Lao (to keep his Daddy’s initials alive)
Weight: 8 pounds, 12 ounces (81st percentile)
Length: 21 inches (90th percentile)


On his discharge weight check, he weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces (a loss of 7%).  He also got circumcised this afternoon and endured it like a champ.  My milk has officially come in too.  I suspected yesterday but someone came by to check.  This guy should be at dumpling status in no time.



My family is now complete.  I’ve loved having a little brother and I think KK is going to love being a big sister.  IMG_8301Look at these two munchkins.  Makes my heart melt.