Browse Day: July 25, 2015

Still cookin’…


In case any of you were wondering, Peanut is still cookin’.  This is a funny photo that KK took of us.  I’m officially 39 weeks today.  Phew.  Bags are packed, car seat is installed, and the bed is ready.  I guess he could arrive any day now.

Saturday Brunch


We had brunch this morning at Mission Rock Resort and got a nice corner table on the patio.IMG_7944

This was the breakfast sandwich that the brothers shared today.IMG_7956

The twins came dressed in the onesies that we bought them.  So cute.  Looks like Toni won and Thomas disagrees.IMG_7957

My mom hung out with Toni while Thomas was getting fed.  IMG_7959

KK hung out with Thomas once he was full and happy.


This photo of the three of them makes me chuckle.  Can’t wait to add Peanut to the mix.IMG_7969 IMG_7974

Thomas finally figured out how to use his pacifier while Toni has completely mastered it.IMG_7975 KK took this cute photo of Jia with the kids.