Browse Day: July 18, 2015



We’re a bit more prepared for Peanut’s arrival now.  The co-sleeper bed arrived yesterday and Jes assembled it with a little bit of KK’s help.IMG_7715It has wheels and fits nicely next to the bed at just the right height.  The bed is half the size of the pack n play and has plenty of storage underneath.  This should last us at least 5 or 6 months.

I also washed all the newborn clothes and put them away in the storage bins that I bought.  I even packed a hospital bag and opened our first pack of newborn diapers.  One went to KK so she could practice on Big GG.  It was a perfect fit.

It’s less than two weeks from the estimated due date and I think I’m ready but hoping to cook him all the way at the same time.  We’ll keep you posted!