Mom’s here!
We picked up my mom from the airport yesterday and although it’s been less than 24 hours, it’s made such a difference! KK has another person to keep her company and I got to take a shower at a random time this morning!! The best part so far was that I got to take a nap today. I was exhausted after walking to and from the hospital for antenatal testing and I fell asleep while surfing on my phone. It wasn’t my usual fake half-nap with KK calling my name every 2 minutes while I doze in and out with my eyes closed on the couch. This was an uninterupted-full-fledged-over-an-hour nap. When I woke up, they weren’t home but the stroller was still home.
Ten minutes later, they walked through the door and KK happily said, “good morning!” and had a shopping bag hanging across her chest. They had gone for a walk to Safeway!
After lunch, I gave my mom a turn to nap and KK ended up falling asleep too! Maybe I wasn’t tiring her out enough! Regardless, I feel more rested and KK has been a little less stubborn and needy today. I also managed to score a few deals online during the Amazon Prime Day Sale today and my mom is making some of my favorite things to eat for dinner right now. Aaaaah… Thanks, Mommy for all your help so far!
I’m at 37.5 weeks now and walking is getting a little less comfortable each day. Luckily, once I get going, I feel fine and can go quite a distance still. Last weekend, we even walked to Pier 27 to watch the symphony and that’s about 2 miles from home each way. My doctor says I’ve gained about 10 pounds this pregnancy, which is surprising because I feel HUGE. Maybe it will help me lose all the baby weight and then some once Peanut arrives.
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