Browse Day: July 10, 2015


IMG_7149I had more discomfort today than usual.  I can’t tell if they’re contractions or if Peanut is making himself more room by doing some major squirming around.  All I know is that the walk to dinner tonight was not as easy as it usually is and I can see why women take long walks to induce labor.  I was hoping NOT to do that tonight but it certainly gave me a moment of panic when I starting to think about the possibility of going into labor this evening at dinner.  I hadn’t even bought his bed or washed any of his clothes yet!  Anyway, the walk home from dinner was not as bad and I’m feeling better now for some reason.  Maybe I was just dehydrated today.  IMG_7309Anyway, this photo was taken this evening by my lovely daughter.  She didn’t quite get Jes in the frame but she did get the baby bump (almost at 37 weeks), which is hard to see in this photo for some reason.