Browse Day: June 20, 2015

Avia’s Family

DSC_6529Back in 2013, when Sophie turned 18 months, I did a photoshoot for Ranee and family.  Now that they have a second one, they wanted to get another photoshoot done for her 1st birthday.  We went back to Chrissy Field but had to move up to the beach because there were cranes in the background of the grassy area where we were last time.  Luckily the sand dunes worked out just fine and I managed to get a few good shots of their party of 4. DSC_6531 DSC_6545 DSC_6546 DSC_6562 DSC_6578 DSC_6600 DSC_6612 DSC_6634Here’s a shot from 2013…

DSC_2582And here’s the new one with Avia included…

DSC_6541Click here for the rest of the album.

34 weeks

rt_laboranddelivery_1On Thursday evening, we went on a tour of the new UCSF Mission Bay Hospital.  It just opened in February of this year and it would be where I will be delivering Peanut.  I got this picture from their website since the room we were in was stuffed with at least 12 couples that night.  It’s the Labor and Delivery Room.  Not too shabby!  The hospital is also a mile away from home.  That’ll be perfect for when KK wants to come visit with my mom.

IMG_6408This is me on Friday with one of my co-workers, MaryAnn, who is due 10 days before me.  She is also having a boy and had her last day of maternity leave and mine is coming up pretty soon.

So far, I’ve been feeling ok but the demands of work are really taking a toll on my body lately.  I’ve forced myself to take the elevator instead of the stairs and try to take it easy when I can but sometimes I just can’t. I emailed my nurse practitioner for some advice and because I’ve been having so many Braxton-Hicks contractions throughout the day, she recommended that I end work a week early.  That means my last day may be this coming Friday.  Yikes!