Browse Day: June 12, 2015

Fiesta for Chris

IMG_6222Today was Chris’ last day with us at work.  He had been our Rehab Aide for a few years now and will be starting orientation for Nursing School at UCSF next week.  To send him off, we threw a fiesta at Lucy’s house this evening complete with taco bar and margaritas.

IMG_6225Donna wrote one of her infamous poems for him and we all got a good laugh.

IMG_6219There were kids galore and the Tsao girls came in matching tops.IMG_6223KK snuggled up next to Henry and they had dinner together.

IMG_6228IMG_6230The pinata was filled with candy, toys, and a special gift for Chris.

IMG_6217We all dressed like him at work today to honor him.  We’re gonna miss you, Dude!!  Best of luck in school!

End of the Week


On Thursday night, Jes and the group went out for dinner and drinks.  He didn’t get back to his hotel room until pretty late. IMG_6213The next morning, Squirt a photobombed a photo of Jimmy running a meeting.