This afternoon started out our normal way. I got off work at 4:30, picked up KK from school, and drove home. Unfortunately, it all went downhill from there. We were a minute away from home when KK had a waterfall of puke come out of her mouth and onto her chest and lap in the carseat. She started to cry and I wanted to cry too. Once we parked the car, I did what I could to get most of the puke off her and then we rushed upstairs for a bath. After the bath, we had to go back down to the parking garage to clean up the mess. It was so gross. There was puke in all the buckles, all over the straps, and I couldn’t figure out how to unlatch the carseat from the backseat! Being in the garage, I didn’t have much light and I also had a 3-year-old that I had to keep from getting run over by the cars that were entering the garage every 2 minutes. She was also constantly asking me, “what’s wrong?” and “what are you doing?” Super stressful.
So, I decided to clean it all up using the paper towels and wipes that I had in the trunk just for this purpose. The worst of it all was the smell and my lower back was getting sore from all the crouching I had to do with my gigantic belly weighing me down. I did my best to get all the puke out of the seat and all the cracks but the seat would have to stay in the car until the weekend when Jes returns. The last time we had to wash the carseat, it took longer than overnight for the fabric to dry completely. So, we’re just going to have to suck it up for the rest of the week and hope that the car doesn’t become permanently stinky.
Once that was all done, we went back upstairs to regroup. As I was resting on the sofa, KK comes out of the bedroom and says “Jack jumped out of the fish tank.” I asked her again and she said “he’s on the table”. I went over to check and sure enough, he was on the dresser and dead. Look how far he got from the cube tank he was living in!! This fish has been trying to commit suicide all week! I had just rescued him on Sunday afternoon when I found him stuck between the tank glass and the heater. So, I picked him up with a wad of toilet paper (eew) and Jack joined Jill in the toilet this evening.
I’m glad nothing else happened this evening. Time to go to bed. I’m sensory overloaded for the day.
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