Browse Day: May 2, 2015

2nd Trimester

IMG_5075Well, I just reached 27 weeks of my pregnancy and have officially entered the 3rd trimester.  Here is my bump today and it’s nice and round but the belly button hasn’t popped out yet.

So far, things are going smoothly.  I feel Peanut kicking around the same time everyday and he gets pretty jabby.  I can feel bony parts punching out – is it an elbow? a knee? a foot?  I have no idea but it’s fun to feel it from the outside.  Our 2nd trimester genetic screen was negative and I passed my glucose test.  What a relief.

My sinuses have cleared up a bit and I have some better nights of sleep.  My energy level waxes and wanes each day but I’m pretty tuckered by the end of the work day.  Walking is still comfortable for me but I’ve been told that I’m starting to waddle a bit.  I’m tempted to go outside for a run but I haven’t.  Instead, I take the stairs at work as much as possible and I can still run up a flight of stairs without difficulty.  A couple weeks ago on our way to my 25-week prenatal appointment, KK had to walk up two flights of stairs from the Muni station while I followed her up with the stroller.  I guess I’ve still got some strength left in these legs of mine.

IMG_5061 I’ve got only 2 more months of work left before maternity leave starts.  Let’s hope the 3rd trimester is uneventful and that Peanut gets to cook all 40 weeks.