Browse Month: April 2015

Sibling love?

IMG_4293This weekend, KK has been so loving to her Baby Brother.  She’s been giving hugs and kisses to my tummy.  On Saturday afternoon, she leaned up against my tummy while I was on the couch and said “hello, Baby Brother”.  I hope she’s just as sweet to him when he actually arrives.

Baby Sabrina

IMG_4200Last night after work, I drove up to Walnut Creek to visit Mai and her 2-week-old baby girl Sabrina.

DSC_6203DSC_6179I tried to get some portraits taken but she was either sleeping or fussing.

DSC_6185Mai looks great and has been adjusting to motherhood so gracefully.

IMG_4192It was also fun to have Ranee and her girls there.  Avia is 9 months now and just started crawling.

IMG_4206Our little group of babies from work is certainly growing and so much fun to watch through their milestones.

Congratulations to Mai and Dennis!!

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