Browse Day: April 26, 2015

plants and snails

IMG_4987Here’s the latest of the fish tanks at home.  Jes joined a Bay Area fish group and scored some free snails from a guy that lives in San Francisco.  He left them in a bucket on his front porch for us to pick up one Saturday on our way home from the zoo.  Jes also got a shipment of free plants from another guy nearby.  So, now in our original 2.5-gallon tank, he’s growing a bunch of snails and baby shrimp.  Some of the pond snails laid eggs that hatched a couple weeks ago.  The baby snails are really fun to watch because they crawl really fast on the glass and also float up to the top to crawl along the underside of the water’s surface.  Those white specks on the surface of the water are the baby snails.

IMG_4990In the 12-gallon tank, there’s a lot of activity since the baby platys have grown into a pretty good size (there are two left) and there are 8 corys that are really active. There are also snails and shrimp living in this one.

IMG_4989In 5-gallon tank, there is one dwarf puffer (KK named him “Bloat”) just hanging out with some fish that eat algae.  He’s that speck in the middle of the tank hovering over the big rock. Jes is growing some grass along the floor.  That rock in the middle is where he places 1-2 snails from the other tank.  The puffer waits for the snail to come out of its shell and then sucks it out!

IMG_4988This is the 7.5-gallon cube tank that has a really strong light for growing plants.  In here, Jack still remains.  Jill died a couple weeks ago and KK says “she’s in the toilet now”.  This tank will eventually house the puffer.