Browse Day: March 21, 2015

Oahu: Day 6

Day Six: 3/10/15

IMG_3405On our last day in Hawaii, we really tried to take advantage of having an afternoon flight home.  During breakfast, Yoon stopped by to drop off some cookies.

IMG_3409Then before we finished packing, we took KK out to the beach one last time where she really made the most of it.  IMG_3413

I love this time of day (~9am) on Waikiki Beach because it’s warm and super empty.IMG_3432 IMG_3515This kid loved splashing around in the water and was such a joy to watch.

IMG_3483After washing up and getting our bags packed, we all met up at the bar for a last drink.IMG_3504 IMG_2605We got a family photo and no one had their eyes closed!!  Amazing.IMG_2579We all said our early goodbyes before hopping in the cars to get to the airport.IMG_2585I knew it would be a little rushed once we got to the airport so this was nice.


Here’s one last view of the island as we took off.  IMG_3533The flight was super short (3.5 hours) but really bumpy in the end.  KK did great the whole trip but then nearly lost it once we landed.  We were so far back in the plane and wanted to just get in the stroller to go to sleep.  That was the probably the worst 15 minutes of our entire trip.

Can’t wait for our next trip.  I think I should start planning it now so I have something to look forward to.

Oahu: Day 5

Day Five: 3/9/15

DSC_6150On Monday morning, we had brunch at the Moana Surfrider.  It was like a mini celebration of Johnny and Joy’s Anniversary that was on Friday.  This is where they got married and had their morning reception.



I also took a photo of them in front of the Mahalo sign with the addition of Alice.  They took a wedding photo with this sign 6 years ago.DSC_6171My mom and I enjoyed the rocking chairs for a bit.  I love this hotel.  It’s too bad we’ve outgrown it.  Jes and I will have to return later when the kids are older and don’t have to come to Hawaii with us.  🙂

IMG_3304After brunch, we went to the aquarium.  KK always takes a picture in front of this sign and we added Alice to it this time.IMG_3344IMG_2484In the afternoon, we went back to the pool and got a cabana for the family.  We convince my mom to get in the pool and got a photo of the grandparents with their grandkids.  So sweet.

IMG_3357This kid started out really scared of the kiddie pool but by the end of the day, she didn’t want to leave.  The lips were practically blue by the time we convinced her to come out.  This always happens by the last day of our trip.

IMG_3351For lunch, Brother and I drove to Rainbow to pick up some food for everyone.  I couldn’t resist getting the fruit punch there.  Don’t care how artificial it is…it’s just so good.


After the pool, we hung out in the hotel room to rest.  I had a pounding headache and KK had missed her nap.  We skipped dinner at Side Street Inn and KK fell asleep super early and was down for the rest of the night.IMG_3382

Once I was feeling better, the family had made it to Side Street Inn and brought back kimchee fried rice for us.  In the meantime, Jes and I pushed KK in the stroller down to the bar to enjoy the last sunset of the trip.IMG_3387

I had a virgin pina colada, which was much more satisfying than the lava flow I had the day before.IMG_3388

We also ordered poke.  I cheated and had a few cubes.  It was SO good.  Man, I really miss this stuff.IMG_3397Here is our dinner.  Kimchee fried rice and Hawaiian Sun.  Perfect.  Thanks for picking up dinner for us, Brother.