Browse Day: March 17, 2015


IMG_3417I am now 20 weeks pregnant, marking the half-way point of this adventure.  Just before leaving for Hawaii, people at work had started noticing a more distinguishable bump and I’ve gone into full-maternity-wardrobe mode.

When we came back from our trip, I had the day after off so that I could get the anatomy ultrasound done.  It was a long one and they had to look for just about every body part you could imagine.  The little stinker decided to hide his face the whole time so they couldn’t get a good look at his nose, lips, and hands.

IMG_3764We did, however, get confirmation that he is indeed a little boy with little boy parts.  If you don’t know what you’re looking at, the important “part” is to the left in between his butt cheeks.  The technician also typed in “IT’S A BOY!!!!”

IMG_3554We also got a backside view of his head while he was hiding from the camera.

IMG_3763The docs were so dissatisfied with this visit that I had to make a follow-up appointment a week later.  So, I went back this morning and after 30 minutes of trying to prod him out of hiding, we got a profile.  It’s the not the best but it’s all we could get.  What you’re seeing here is his chin, lip, nose, and forehead (left to right).  He kept putting his arms over his face or turning away from the ultrasound.  I’m just happy that they got a good look at his lips and nose and confirmed that he doesn’t not have a cleft.

IMG_3759I also got a picture of his little foot.  So cute.

I’m finally feeling some real kicks and he seems to like being in the head-down position.  That’s how they found him both times I had these recent ultrasounds.  He’s estimated to be about 12 ounces and a little ahead of schedule.  I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight (I had lost some weight until now) and will just wait to see how much bigger and heavier I get in the next 20 more weeks.  This week, my sinuses have been horrible – causing jaw pain on my right side.  I guess it also didn’t help that I caught a cold mid-way through our trip.  All in all, I’m feeling pretty good and happy to see that our Genetic Screen came back negative and that all body parts are accounted for and within normal limits.  Now I’ll just have to let him finish cooking!