Browse Day: January 25, 2015

Still got it.

IMG_2015This morning, I went for a solo run.  I didn’t know how far I would be able to go since I had only been running with the stroller this past month.  On my way down toward the Ferry Building, the sun was rising.

IMG_2010I got a very cool view of the sun coming up as I went under the bridge and caught a few photos of the bay.  You can click the panaramic photo to get the full size.

IMG_2012I ran most of the way and finished 3 miles in 37 minutes.  Yes, it’s a snail’s pace but I finished and didn’t feel too bad considering I’m 13 weeks preggo.  For some reason, running doesn’t bother my bladder so much this time around.  I remember running with KK and felt like I had to pee the whole way.  Anyway, I’m happy to know that I can still run comfortably.  I also know now that I need a fat nap afterward because that’s what I did a couple hours later – fell asleep around 10 and didn’t wake up until after 12.