Browse Day: December 23, 2014

I just had to do this.


I couldn’t resist this morning.  KK was riding the tricycle up and down the sidewalk and it reminded me of when I used to do the same thing.  Then it dawned on me that I could recreate the photo that my mom and I took when I was KK’s age.  So, that’s what we did.  And then my mom wanted in on the action so we had her get on and we took another for old times’ sake.  We all got a good chuckle out of it.  KK was the only one who was a little confused and wondering why everyone wanted to ride her tricycle.

Kanom Krok

IMG_1003My mommy made me one of my favorite things to eat: Kanom Krok.  It’s basically two different mixtures of coconut milk poured into a special cast iron pan topped with green onions.  They come out hot and crispy on the outside and custard-like on the inside.  It’s a combination of sweet and savory – similar to that of Thai coconut sticky rice.

IMG_0977I think I post these every time I’m home but this time I paid attention. Apparently, my mom just follows the instructions on the back of the rice flour package but it’s all in Thai.

IMG_0983So, I took notes and photos so that one day when I get one of her pans from her to take home with me, I can make them for myself.  Yum yum!