Browse Day: November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

IMG_0576This year, my parents came up for Thanksgiving.  The Masayas were out of town so it was just the 5 of us with a 22-pound turkey.  Heh heh.

DSCN3663 IMG_0345DSCN3648In the morning, we went to the zoo.  It was fun to be there on a holiday because all the animals got special treats and for some reason, a lot of the animals were awake and active this morning. I had never seen a hippo so up-close!  They’re actually kinda scary when they’re not sleeping underwater.

IMG_0528 IMG_0530Once we got home, the cooking started.  Thankfully we had my parents around to keep KK company.

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The turkey came out perfectly and we also had a HoneyBaked ham that my mom brought up from Cerritos.  IMG_0377 IMG_0572As usual, we ate until we were overstuffed and there were plenty of leftovers for sandwiches for the next several days.  I love Thanksgiving!!!

Things I am thankful for:

  1. My family – they keep me grounded.
  2. My friends – they keep me sane.
  3. Our health – Only one fever and one short trip to the ED this year!
  4. Jesse’s stable job – 7 years and counting!!
  5. Our next trip to Hawaii in March – hotel and flights are booked!!  Woohoo!