Browse Day: November 3, 2014

Alice is 1

DSC_5677 This weekend we celebrated Alice’s 1st birthday at Liberty Park.  DSCN3463The room was really nice and it was located right next to the playground.


There were lots of guests who attended and Mommy ordered so much Thai food!

IMG_0070 DSCN3488It was so nice to catch up with the family and lots of Brother’s friends.

DSCN3508Alice actually slept through most of her party but she woke up in time for he cake.



We also made an attempt at getting a photo of the 2nd cousins together.  This was the best we could do that day.

IMG_9474Happy Birthday, Alice!!  It was fun celebrating with you all weekend!!  KK loved having cake or ice cream every day of the 4-day weekend!