Browse Day: September 28, 2014

My 39th Birthday

IMG_8409Ah…another year has passed and I have one more year left in my 30s.  Luckily I had a wonderful birthday weekend of celebrations.  On Friday evening, Kumquat and I went out for Happy Hour.  It’s still so much fun to dine out with her and today was especially fun.

IMG_8427As if 2 hours at HH wasn’t enough, she also made it through a late-night dinner at a fancier-than-usual restaurant.  I had a tasty mushroom risotto with fresh uni on top and Ozumo still does their raw fish and scallops well.  Jes and I were thoroughly impressed by KK’s ability to keep it together so late and felt so lucky to have been able to enjoy an old dinner spot again.

IMG_8480On Saturday, we went out for brunch at my favorite place in SF – the Ferry Plaza.  We also walked around the city for a bit before heading home for naptime.

IMG_8490For dinner, we went to Harris’ for some prime rib and steaks. This picture doesn’t really do it justice but oh well.  It was delicious but Lawry’s is still #1 for me. IMG_8496

IMG_9729 Thanks to Jason and Jia for the yummy dinner!!

IMG_8502On Sunday morning (my actual birthday), I had lots of birthday texts, phone calls, and Facebook posts to keep me busy.  I also wished my dear brother a Happy Birthday over Facetime.IMG_8506

IMG_8511I also went out for a solo run and finished 3.9 miles in a faster-than-usual time.  I guess running with a stroller does help make you a better runner.  I felt pretty good and I think I’ve gotten stronger over the past month.

IMG_8533During the day, I took care of my usual Sunday chores and then we went shopping for tonight’s dinner.  The girls came over for hot pot and it was a long-overdue and fancier version of McWino.  There was no McDonald’s this year but there was still plenty of wine.

IMG_8544I had a really nice birthday weekend and look forward to this coming year.  I feel so blessed to have my health, my awesome family, my wonderful friends, and a job that I don’t hate.  Cheers!