Browse Day: September 25, 2014

Right on Track

IMG_8358The Miracle Marathon is well underway and Kumquat and I have been running and scooting our way toward 27.2 miles.  Luckily, we’ve had lots of good weather in the evenings and Kumquat has been really good in the stroller.  She knows the routine now and says “nai-nai, snack, and bubbles in the stroller” and “Mama go running!”

IMG_8361We live in such a great area and The Embarcadero is such a nice place to run – no stop lights, wide sidewalk, and awesome views.  This is one of the piers that we run down to get a spectacular view of the Bay Bridge and city skyline.


On Wednesday, Kumquat did a mile for Mommy on her scooter.  It was pretty tiring for her toward the end but she finished!

IMG_8383And this is a common view from my perspective.  This toddler has a good life.  Sometimes I wish she would push ME around in the stroller for 3 miles!!