Browse Day: September 15, 2014

Joel & Zeynep’s Wedding

IMG_8010On Saturday, we flew down to Southern California for a wedding.  It was going to be an evening of no kids and our first night without the kid since she was born.  After settling down in the Magical House, we drove up to Culver City where we checked in to the Four Points Sheraton.  Everyone had already arrived and we all met them at the hotel bar, which we had asked them to open outside of their regular operating hours.

IMG_8023Joel had warned us they were serving an all-vegan dinner so after a couple drinks, we piled into one car and went to In-N-Out for our pre-wedding meal.

IMG_8022Since there were 6 of us and an SUV, Jes rode in the trunk all the way up to Topanga Canyon.  He said it was actually pretty comfortable back there.  It was just funny having to let him out the back when we pulled up to the valet at the ranch.

IMG_8028The wedding was outdoor in a little ranch but it was pretty warm out there – a balmy 95 degrees I think.

IMG_8032Everything was beautifully decorated with those little personal touches that make their wedding special.


DSC_5539Joel was dressed in all white and all the boys were in black panchos.  Those poor boys.  DSC_5548

IMG_8041The bride was in a crocheted dress and the whole set-up was very hipster – just like our Joel the Indie Rockstar.

IMG_8044It was an open bar and their specialty drink was a cactus margarita, which matched my top perfectly.


This wedding was a nice reunion for the Roebling House.  All six boys and “Seven” (me) were all there together for a fun night of laughs and hijinks.DSC_5560

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Joel asked everyone to wear a color since the party was in black and white.  Ryan took it literally and put this outfit together after shopping at Marshall’s.

IMG_8049Here is my plate of vegan lasagna with “faux sausage”, “faux carnitas” made out of jack fruit, and a kale salad that was the best thing on the table.  I should have gotten more salad.


As the sun went down, the twinkle lights made everything so pretty.DSC_5586IMG_8078

A gathering of the boys also wouldn’t be complete without harrassing Tob and a little bit of wrestling moves.  This is Ryan spinning Tob on his shoulders.  Luckily no one was hurt that night.

IMG_8083After the wedding, we were all starving so we made a stop at Johnnie’s Pastrami for an awesome after-party meal.

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What a fun night!
