My 39th Birthday
Ah…another year has passed and I have one more year left in my 30s. Luckily I had a wonderful birthday weekend of celebrations. On Friday evening, Kumquat and I went out for Happy Hour. It’s still so much fun to dine out with her and today was especially fun.
As if 2 hours at HH wasn’t enough, she also made it through a late-night dinner at a fancier-than-usual restaurant. I had a tasty mushroom risotto with fresh uni on top and Ozumo still does their raw fish and scallops well. Jes and I were thoroughly impressed by KK’s ability to keep it together so late and felt so lucky to have been able to enjoy an old dinner spot again.
On Saturday, we went out for brunch at my favorite place in SF – the Ferry Plaza. We also walked around the city for a bit before heading home for naptime.
For dinner, we went to Harris’ for some prime rib and steaks. This picture doesn’t really do it justice but oh well. It was delicious but Lawry’s is still #1 for me.
Thanks to Jason and Jia for the yummy dinner!!
On Sunday morning (my actual birthday), I had lots of birthday texts, phone calls, and Facebook posts to keep me busy. I also wished my dear brother a Happy Birthday over Facetime.
I also went out for a solo run and finished 3.9 miles in a faster-than-usual time. I guess running with a stroller does help make you a better runner. I felt pretty good and I think I’ve gotten stronger over the past month.
During the day, I took care of my usual Sunday chores and then we went shopping for tonight’s dinner. The girls came over for hot pot and it was a long-overdue and fancier version of McWino. There was no McDonald’s this year but there was still plenty of wine.
I had a really nice birthday weekend and look forward to this coming year. I feel so blessed to have my health, my awesome family, my wonderful friends, and a job that I don’t hate. Cheers!
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