Browse Month: September 2014

My 39th Birthday

IMG_8409Ah…another year has passed and I have one more year left in my 30s.  Luckily I had a wonderful birthday weekend of celebrations.  On Friday evening, Kumquat and I went out for Happy Hour.  It’s still so much fun to dine out with her and today was especially fun.

IMG_8427As if 2 hours at HH wasn’t enough, she also made it through a late-night dinner at a fancier-than-usual restaurant.  I had a tasty mushroom risotto with fresh uni on top and Ozumo still does their raw fish and scallops well.  Jes and I were thoroughly impressed by KK’s ability to keep it together so late and felt so lucky to have been able to enjoy an old dinner spot again.

IMG_8480On Saturday, we went out for brunch at my favorite place in SF – the Ferry Plaza.  We also walked around the city for a bit before heading home for naptime.

IMG_8490For dinner, we went to Harris’ for some prime rib and steaks. This picture doesn’t really do it justice but oh well.  It was delicious but Lawry’s is still #1 for me. IMG_8496

IMG_9729 Thanks to Jason and Jia for the yummy dinner!!

IMG_8502On Sunday morning (my actual birthday), I had lots of birthday texts, phone calls, and Facebook posts to keep me busy.  I also wished my dear brother a Happy Birthday over Facetime.IMG_8506

IMG_8511I also went out for a solo run and finished 3.9 miles in a faster-than-usual time.  I guess running with a stroller does help make you a better runner.  I felt pretty good and I think I’ve gotten stronger over the past month.

IMG_8533During the day, I took care of my usual Sunday chores and then we went shopping for tonight’s dinner.  The girls came over for hot pot and it was a long-overdue and fancier version of McWino.  There was no McDonald’s this year but there was still plenty of wine.

IMG_8544I had a really nice birthday weekend and look forward to this coming year.  I feel so blessed to have my health, my awesome family, my wonderful friends, and a job that I don’t hate.  Cheers!

Right on Track

IMG_8358The Miracle Marathon is well underway and Kumquat and I have been running and scooting our way toward 27.2 miles.  Luckily, we’ve had lots of good weather in the evenings and Kumquat has been really good in the stroller.  She knows the routine now and says “nai-nai, snack, and bubbles in the stroller” and “Mama go running!”

IMG_8361We live in such a great area and The Embarcadero is such a nice place to run – no stop lights, wide sidewalk, and awesome views.  This is one of the piers that we run down to get a spectacular view of the Bay Bridge and city skyline.


On Wednesday, Kumquat did a mile for Mommy on her scooter.  It was pretty tiring for her toward the end but she finished!

IMG_8383And this is a common view from my perspective.  This toddler has a good life.  Sometimes I wish she would push ME around in the stroller for 3 miles!!

Trip to the ED

IMG_8330Last night, Kumquat went to sleep around 8:30 and woke up at 11:00 with a weird cough, a hard time catching her breath, and wheezing.  She also coughed so hard it made her throw up.  Her breathing wasn’t normal after a while so I decided to take her to the ED at my work.  It’s weird to think that we had to drive across the bridge to get to a hospital but we are actually at the midpoint between my work and UCSF (where she was born).  When we arrived, it was eerie being there so late but there was something comforting about being about to go to a place that was so familiar.  I also also never stepped foot in our ED and was getting a first-hand experience from the other side as a parent.IMG_8303At check-in, we saw the triage nurse first and KK was so pissed.  She was still wheezing, coughing, and now crying because all she wanted to do was go back to bed.  IMG_8329Instead her parents put her in the car and took her to a place where people put stickers on her toes and squeeze your leg for a blood pressure reading.

IMG_8306Once we were placed in a room, she continued to cry with the first nurse.  Vitals were taken again and we were given cool mist to blow in her face.  After a few more minutes, the Resident came in to check her and she calmed down and let her examine her without any fuss.IMG_8309

IMG_8313 IMG_8316 IMG_8319Then for the next two hours, we sat in the room with the cool mist and an occasional video on Jes’ phone.  She perked up quite a bit and played with the tubing and gave GG a little treatment too.

IMG_8326Finally by the end of the visit, she was diagnosed with croup, which is a viral infection of the vocal cords.  That’s what caused the barking cough that she had.  She was also given some apple juice and a low-dose steroid.  By 3:00, we were sent home.  She’s sleeping quietly now and at 3:50 am, both Jes and I are still awake.  I guess I’m not going to work in the morning.  I’m just glad she’s ok and that she responded to the treatment so quickly.  Overall, I’d say we had a good experience and we’ll probably go there again if we ever have another emergency.

Day One

IMG_8173Today is the first day of the Miracle Marathon and there was a kick-off at lunch time today.  As a team, we walked our first mile together.

IMG_8166Teresa and I also got a photo with the Mayor of Oakland.

family time


It was so nice to have Kumquat with her grandparents over the weekend.  They took her to the park, the mall, and even to their corner at McDonald’s.  IMG_8116

On Sunday, my uncle and aunt flew in from the east coast and we all went out for our usual Thai feast at Thai Nakorn.  Pish and family were free to meet up too!  We missed Marie and the gang this time.DSC_5587

On Monday, our flight wasn’t until the afternoon.  So, Alice got dropped off at the Magical House Daycare and the two girls hung out together.  IMG_7991 We had a fun time in Southern California this past weekend and Kumquat was a great little traveler both there and back.  IMG_8156

Thanks for helping out with Kumquat this weekend, Mommy and Daddy!

Joel & Zeynep’s Wedding

IMG_8010On Saturday, we flew down to Southern California for a wedding.  It was going to be an evening of no kids and our first night without the kid since she was born.  After settling down in the Magical House, we drove up to Culver City where we checked in to the Four Points Sheraton.  Everyone had already arrived and we all met them at the hotel bar, which we had asked them to open outside of their regular operating hours.

IMG_8023Joel had warned us they were serving an all-vegan dinner so after a couple drinks, we piled into one car and went to In-N-Out for our pre-wedding meal.

IMG_8022Since there were 6 of us and an SUV, Jes rode in the trunk all the way up to Topanga Canyon.  He said it was actually pretty comfortable back there.  It was just funny having to let him out the back when we pulled up to the valet at the ranch.

IMG_8028The wedding was outdoor in a little ranch but it was pretty warm out there – a balmy 95 degrees I think.

IMG_8032Everything was beautifully decorated with those little personal touches that make their wedding special.


DSC_5539Joel was dressed in all white and all the boys were in black panchos.  Those poor boys.  DSC_5548

IMG_8041The bride was in a crocheted dress and the whole set-up was very hipster – just like our Joel the Indie Rockstar.

IMG_8044It was an open bar and their specialty drink was a cactus margarita, which matched my top perfectly.


This wedding was a nice reunion for the Roebling House.  All six boys and “Seven” (me) were all there together for a fun night of laughs and hijinks.DSC_5560

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Joel asked everyone to wear a color since the party was in black and white.  Ryan took it literally and put this outfit together after shopping at Marshall’s.

IMG_8049Here is my plate of vegan lasagna with “faux sausage”, “faux carnitas” made out of jack fruit, and a kale salad that was the best thing on the table.  I should have gotten more salad.


As the sun went down, the twinkle lights made everything so pretty.DSC_5586IMG_8078

A gathering of the boys also wouldn’t be complete without harrassing Tob and a little bit of wrestling moves.  This is Ryan spinning Tob on his shoulders.  Luckily no one was hurt that night.

IMG_8083After the wedding, we were all starving so we made a stop at Johnnie’s Pastrami for an awesome after-party meal.

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What a fun night!


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