Browse Day: July 5, 2014

Opera at the Ballpark

IMG_5583It’s that time of year again!  AT&T hosted “Opera at the Ballpark” once more and this time it was a live simulcast of “La Traviata”.  I recognized two of the songs and I think it was the opera that they went to in the movie “Pretty Woman”.  We stood in line for the gate that allows people to sit on the field.  With green wristbands, we were guaranteed a spot.

IMG_5584Once we got in, we set-up camp toward the back so the stroller wouldn’t be in anyone’s way and we could make a quick exit for bathroom breaks and to go home if needed.



DCIM100GOPROWe picked up three 20-piece chicken mcnuggets and the 7 of us feasted before the opera started.


The sun eventually went down and it got significantly colder on the field.  IMG_5599By the end of Act I, we were freezing and it was time for Kumquat to go to bed.  So, we skipped out during intermission.

IMG_5600Here’s a panoramic photo of the field.  Click on the photo to see it up-close.

July 4th

This year, I worked on July 4th and it actually wasn’t too bad.  We had a good group of therapists working and it was a lot more laid back than a usual day.  IMG_5532


Henry and Aaron also stopped by at lunch so that gave us a nice little break in the day.

IMG_5528Meanwhile, Jes took Kumquat for a ride on the train to get to Jason and Jia’s house in Redwood City.  I got this photo sent to me with a text saying “Peace out, suckas.”


I drove straight down to Redwood City from work and after enjoying some ribs, corn, and ice cream, we sat down and watched fireworks on tv.  It was such a nice way to end the day.  It sure beats having to fight traffic and crowds.