Browse Month: July 2014

home cooking

We’ve been trying to eat at home more often and this week Jes made some pretty tasty dinners.IMG_6061

pork chops with rice pilaf and brocolliniIMG_6148

pan-seared steak with mashed potato, mushrooms, and haricot verts

Vivian & Family

DSC_5295Right after my visit to Ranee’s, I headed down the street to meet up with Steph, Nathan, and Vivian for her 1st birthday portraits.  DSC_5268This red two-piece was from the Bahamas and has been worn by her older cousins when they were her size and passed down to her.DSC_5335

The second outfit was a birthday gift and the purple in the dress really complimented her skin color.




Sunday in Golden Gate Park

IMG_5792On Sunday, we went to the Cal Academy for the members-only hour.  I can’t believe our membership will expire this month.  Seems like we just joined.  Glad we got to go more than enough to make up the cost.

IMG_5826Afterward, we visited the Japanese Tea Garden for the first time.  IMG_5805It’s just across the street and it’s a lot bigger inside than I expected.

IMG_5807They have an actual tea house inside where we had some tea and tako yaki.


The garden is beautifully manicured and there were lots of nooks and crannies to explore.  The koi pond is probably the coolest part.


The little bridges were the most nerve-racking for parents of a toddler.


Other than that there was plenty of room for Kumquat to roam.IMG_5818 IMG_5820 IMG_5822

FYI: Admission is $7/adult.  SF residents get in for $5.


Vivian’s 1st Birthday

DSC_5110Little Vivian turned One last week and we celebrated this afternoon at a park in Walnut Creek.  The weather was warm with a nice breeze and Stephanie had a great spot in the shade and in between the two playground structures.

DSC_5116DSC_5115Vivian really enjoyed her birthday cake: angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberry.


Henry didn’t get any cake but he really loves his aunties and his newly-introduced puffs.


It was nice seeing the kids together and Vivian has really grown so much.  Hard to believe she’s not a baby anymore.DSC_5136

Pretty soon she’ll be walking, talking, and blowing bubbles like this kid I know.

Hopkins Family

DSC_4993Henry turned 6 months last week and Teresa wanted photos of him.  So, they came over on Sunday morning and we headed out to Brannan Street Wharf for a quick photoshoot.  Henry was so smiley and in a great mood.

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Click here for the album.

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