Browse Day: June 10, 2014

Southern California Weekend

IMG_4640For PoPo’s funeral services, we went down to Southern California for a long weekend.  We drove down on Friday morning and went straight to the viewing at Rose Hills.  It was a long drive (as usual) but we lucked out with a smooth ride and not too much trouble from the toddler.  IMG_4634Here we are at the truck stop and the video below is our selfie video in the car.  Jes was being a papa bird taking the pits out of the cherries for the baby bird.

After the viewing, we stopped at the Magical House for a little rest and some scootering for Kumquat.

IMG_4665On Saturday morning, we all got up early to get to the funeral service. The family had put together such a nice slideshow that ran at the beginning of the service.

IMG_4667We all share stories about PoPo with the congregation and soon it was time for the burial.  IMG_4688The whole ceremony and service was really nice and we all had the closure that we needed.

Saturday afternoon was spent at lunch and then back at the Magical House to cool off.  That weekend was particularly warm and everyone needed a nap.  Brother later came over and Kumquat got to hang out with Cousin Alice and even had a tea party in the backyard with everyone.

On Sunday, we went to church and then went back to the Magical House for some more family time. It was nice to just relax and catch up with family. Auntie Jeanie also came over to tell us the rest of PoPo’s life story. She had given the eulogy at the service but had to cut it short due to time constraints. She also went outside with Kumquat for a little more scootering. This kid mastered going down curb cuts that day and kept saying “Fun! Fast!”

That afternoon, I was able to play with Alice more and she had a good time trying to be a big kid with Kumquat.
IMG_4803Here they are “watching” a YouTube video together.  So cute…

IMG_4825On Monday morning, we took our time getting up and Kumquat even had enough time to go play at the park nearby.  IMG_4847We had a smooth drive up to SF with no traffic and we also stopped at Gilroy for some outlet shopping and dinner.  So, we ended up getting home around 9pm instead of the estimated 5pm time.  Oh well.  At least it was a good weekend.