Browse Day: April 10, 2014

Sunday Playdate

IMG_1954On Sunday, I had a playdate with my friends while Kumquat had a playdate with hers.  It started out with dim sum in the morning at East Ocean.  Vivian played peek-a-boo with me across the table all morning and she was a riot.  It’s so funny how at 9 months, she can already let me know that she’s not done playing and that she needs to be the center of attention.  Any time I looked away from our peek-a-boo game, she’d squawk across the table to get my attention.  As soon as I’d look over, she’d give me a cute but very sly look.  She also enjoyed some of the rice porridge that we ordered.


It was fun hanging out with the girls outside of work and I’m glad that Kumquat was able to spend more quality time with her aunties.  I love this picture of her and Mai.  Hilarious.

IMG_1967Here’s a picture of Kumquat and Vivian together.  Their expressions are so funny.  This is one of those photos that will need to be reenacted later when they’re older.

IMG_1968Afterward, I met up with Eleen and Zoe.  They were already at the shopping center so it worked out great!  I even got to stop by Eleen’s shop.  I hadn’t been there since they moved locations.  The girls got reacquainted while I shopped.

IMG_1971Later I let Kumquat out of the stroller and I loved watching her run free.  It’s not everyday that she gets to run around outside like this without my having to worry about her getting hit by a car or bicycle.  It sounds terrible but it reminded me of the days I used to take Koa to the dog park in Irvine.

IMG_1975It was such a nice sunny day.  I tried to get a photo of Kumquat and Zoe together but Zoe wasn’t having it that afternoon.  Oh well, we’ll have to try again next time.

Thanks to Mai, Stephanie, and Eleen for meeting up with us!