Browse Day: February 25, 2014

Family Weekend – Part 2

IMG_0304 On Sunday, we took it easy in the morning.  Brother came over around 10 while I was getting ready to leave for a baby shower and Alice was in a really good mood.

IMG_0299We also sang “Happy Birthday” to Joy and had a candle in a pork bun for her.  Funny.

IMG_0325While I was away, Kumquat took a nap and the family went shopping.  I got home just in time to swing by the hotel to pick up the family from the hotel and head back home to meet up with Jason and Jia.

IMG_5086For brunch, we took a walk down to Mission Rock Resort.

IMG_0334They were really busy so we ended up having an hour-long wait.  IMG_0344Luckily, they had a deck in the sun and we had drinks outside in the sunshine.  IMG_0331Here is their bacon bloody mary complete with olives, a slice of bacon, and shrimp.

IMG_0347Once seated, we had a seafood feast including this tower of raw goodness.

IMG_0353Kumquat sat at the head of the table and took some photos for me while we ate.  She actually took this picture with my phone.  I’m so proud.

IMG_0361Back at the house, it was time for Brother and Joy to head out for a dinner date they made with a friend.  So we said our goodbyes.  It’s always so fun having them in town.  See you in March!!