Browse Day: February 15, 2014


IMG_0011We had plans to go to the Oakland Zoo today and Ranee and Ishya had the same plans!  What a nice coincidence!  The kids had a great time and it was very interesting trying to get a photo of all four kids together.

DSC_4556This is the best I could do with getting the cousins together in one photo.  At least the twins looked happy.

DSC_4530 It was so nice to spend time with friends and family.  It’s too bad we don’t all live closer to each other.  Kumquat always gave Ishya a funny look whenever she heard her speaking Thai to the twins.  It’s as if she’s thinking, “hey, you talk like grandma”.DSC_4531Here’s an action shot of Kumquat and Jes walking to the next exhibit.  I’m posting it just because I like it. 🙂

DSC_4550I loved watching Kumquat with the goats today.  She really does love animals.

IMG_0032After the zoo, we stopped for lunch before heading to Trader Joe’s.  Funny that Kumquat loves noodles as much as I do.


I love the Olympics.

I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics online and the same 3-4 commercials come on all the time.  One of them is this one about a woman who is a full-time mom and full-time Olympic athlete training for the skeleton event at the Sochi Games.

I looked her up and her story is pretty crazy.  She missed the 2006 Torino Games because of a freak accident involving a bobsled that crashed into her at practice and broke her leg in multiple places.  Then she got back to training in time for 2010 in Vancouver and lost the bronze medal by 0.10 seconds.   She then retired to be a mom and had a second child.  She later became pregnant with #3 but then miscarried at 18 weeks.  Whoa.  After that happened, she and her husband had a long talk and decided they’d get her back in training.  Her husband even designed and made her skeleton sled (works for a steel manufacturing company).  She trained early in the morning, took care of the kids during the day, and then trained more after they went to bed.  That’s some dedication and stamina!  Sliding down a icy course head first and on your stomach on a tiny sled is not something you can do when you’re exhausted from a full day!

Anyway, after all that, she went to the 2014 games and won silver yesterday.  Here’s a link to the article. I’m officially inspired.