Browse Day: February 9, 2014

Trampoline Birthday

IMG_9830James and Sylvia’s little girl turned 4 last weekend and they had her birthday party this weekend at Sky High Sports in Concord.  It was a 30-minute drive in pouring rain for us but it was worth it to see Kumquat on a trampoline for the first time.

IMG_9831I would have liked to do some jumping myself but I was too busy supervising this little girl.

IMG_9825They also served pizza and cake and I was surprised to see Kumquat stealing all my olives!

Happy Birthday, Ariel!

Wet Weekend

IMG_9748We had lots of rain this weekend and it was so nice.  On Saturday, I wanted some rainy-day food so we took the bus to Chinatown for our favorite porridge and noodle place.  IMG_9741To add to the adventure, we took the bus with Kumquat unbuckled and unstrapped. IMG_9751She sat in her own seat and walked up and down the Chinatown hills with us in the rain like a big girl.  She’s growing up way too fast.  It’s so fun to see the world through her eyes and she had a blast.

IMG_9746The porridge, Chinese doughnut, and warm soy milk really hit the spot.

IMG_9742Jes got the Singapore rice noodles and Kumquat had a little of everything we ordered.  We also ordered two dishes to-go so we wouldn’t have to cook or leave the house for dinner.

IMG_9806On Sunday morning, Kumquat and I walked down the street for brunch.  I didn’t take the stroller and we braved the rain together on foot.  On the walk home, it started to rain harder and Kumquat a fun time playing in the rain.

IMG_9711The Sochi Winter Olympic Games also started on Thursday and I’ve been watching it online thanks to my Brother who gave me access with his cable account.  Thanks, Brother!  It’s was the perfect thing to watch on a rainy weekend.