Browse Day: January 16, 2014

BART Adventure

IMG_9069 The girls planned a Happy Hour this evening and I was up to the challenge of going home, packing up the baby (and her stuff), and taking her to Oakland by Muni and BART.  It was easier that I expected and actually pretty fun.  I enjoy my girl time with Kumquat and love seeing the world through her eyes.  IMG_9087Something as simple as an escalator is like a new adventure.  It was also neat to see how she was able to figure out when to step off the moving steps at the top.IMG_9071I was afraid she would want to wander off each time I had to let go of her hand to unfold the stroller and I thought she would mess around or turn into a potato on the floor while we transferred trains.  Instead, she held my hand and stayed put when she was supposed to.  She even managed to walk up the stairs at to the Rockridge station platform all on her own power without pooping out.  IMG_9083Having a toddler is tough sometimes but I can’t describe how proud I am of her each day.  She’s becoming such a big girl and while she impressed me at my Work Holiday Party, this adventure impressed me even more.

Lunch Visitor

IMG_9056 Teresa and Aaron brought Henry to our usual Thursday lunch spot and I got to snuggle with him while I finished my salad.  IMG_9054This is the picture of a boy who is milk wasted!!  He’s a big eater now and has grown since I last held him when he was less than a week old.  At 3 weeks, he’s made up the weight he’s lost and surpassed his birth weight.  Woot!