Browse Day: January 12, 2014

Sweet Race!

IMG_8918 The girls and I woke up early this morning and headed out to Golden Gate Park for the Hot Chocolate 5/15K. IMG_8920 It was early and cold but apparently chocolate can motivate thousands of people to get up and run.  We scored a free parking spot not too far and lined up with the rest of the crowd before the sun came up.

IMG_8880Here’s the swag bag that I picked up yesterday.  Isn’t it super cute!?IMG_8886We also got this high-tech hoodie complete with zipper pocket in the back and thumb holes in the goody bag and it kept me nice and warm this morning.

IMG_8921The course went around Stow Lake and had lots of rolling hills but it kept the run fun and interesting.

IMG_8925It was Stephanie’s first race since her pregnancy and she did great!

IMG_8924Ranee is now expecting Baby #2 and she ran a strong race too!  I’m so proud of both of them.

IMG_8948At the finish, we were given a super sweet finisher’s mug. IMG_8933It had a cup of hot chocolate in the middle, a side car of melted chocolate, and an assortment of goodies to dip. Now that’s my kind of breakfast!

IMG_8944I even ate the banana and it was the best banana I’ve ever had.  Who thought that dipping it in chocolate would change my mind about that stupid fruit?!

IMG_8926I love running with my friends…and chocolate is not too bad either.

2014 Kickoff

IMG_8906In lieu of a Christmas Party, our department at work decided to have a holiday party in January.  It was held in my Club Room last night and we had a great turn out.

IMG_8899I think at one point we probably have about 50 adults and 13 kids!!

IMG_8908The last time we had a party was two years ago when I was 5 months preggo.  Now we’ve had an explosion of children with the addition of Kumquat, Vivian, Sophie, and now Henry!

IMG_8914On top of the kiddie section, there was an area where the boys could follow the football game too.

IMG_8892Jes played a mean game of Jenga with Eli and lost.

IMG_8895Everyone seemed to have a good time including the kids. Kumquat was on her best behavior and played with almost anyone who was around. She’ll be Mommy’s Little Helper in no time!

IMG_8889I ordered Thai food from down the street and they delivered so set-up was a breeze.  Clean-up also wasn’t as bad as years before since I actually ordered the right amount of food this time!

This was a great way to kick off the new work year.  Cheers!