Browse Month: January 2014

kale, spinach, and chicken bites

I saw some kale and spinach bites in the freezer section at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago and thought I could try to make my own for Kumquat.  I looked up a few recipes and made a few tweaks of my own.


I started with onion sweating in butter and olive oil.  I bought frozen spinach and kale (1/2 bag each) because I didn’t know when I would have the time/energy to make these.IMG_9458

The spinach and kale went into the pan and I cooked it until all the frozen veggies were warm and soft.


In the meantime, I shredded some parmagiano reggiano (~1/2 cup) and then set it aside in a bowl.  IMG_9460

I also found some leftover rotisserie chicken in the fridge, so I chopped some up and put them in the food processor.IMG_9461

The cooked spinach and kale went in with the chicken and I added some green onion.IMG_9462

It was all pulsed together to shred and mix everything together.IMG_9463

In the bowl that had the shredded cheese, I added the veggie/chicken mixture along with an egg and 2/3 cups of panko bread crumbs.IMG_9464

It all got mixed together and some salt and pepper went in to season it all.IMG_9465

Then I rolled the mixture into a ball and flattened it into a patty.  It got rolled in more panko bread crumbs and placed on a cookie sheet.IMG_9466

Here they are before going into the 325-degree oven.  They can sit close to each other since they won’t be expanding or anything.

IMG_9468When it was all done, the bread crumbs didn’t really brown but it was a little crispy on the outside and tender inside.  It stays together enough to use a fork for the small pieces and Kumquat really liked it!  I froze the remaining 12 and stored them for later meals.  Mission accomplished.

Baby Henry

DSC_4420This morning, I went to Teresa’s house to take some photos of James Henry.

DSC_4414He turned one month old today and he’s now a pound over his birth weight.  Yay!

DSC_4439 DSC_4447Teresa and Aaron are doing well and it was so good to spend some time with T and Henry.

DSC_4470 DSC_4478 This little boy is such a cutie.

DSC_4491Click here to view the album.

Napa Date

IMG_9255Jes and I both had today off but this is one of the holidays that Mirian does not have off.  So, we had her come in as scheduled and the two of us went to Napa for a little wine tasting and lunch.  We went to Robert Craig for our free club member tasting and bought a bottle of their Zin.

IMG_9262For lunch, we went to The Pear, which is also in downtown Napa and located just a couple doors down from Morimoto.  They feature southern food and we shared the cheddar jalapeno tater tots, root veggie salad, and chicken and waffles.

IMG_9261We also had two glasses of wine each with lunch so I was feeling pretty good afterward.  To sober up, we went shopping at the outlet.  I bought a bunch of $4 shirts for Kumquat while Jes picked up some work shirts.

IMG_9260Today was quite a treat.  It’s so rare that Jes and I get to go out to eat by ourselves let alone have a whole day!  Wish we could do this more often.

Year in Review 2013

I’m a little late with this entry but January started and just kept running.  Here are a few highlights from 2013 – including the good and the bad.

Happiest Moment(s)
I have two very similar moments that are tied for Happiest Moment.  They both involve seeing old friends.

IMG_6823The first one was when I was in Portland and was reunited with HeatherIMG_0009 The second was my reunion with Dahlia when she and her husband were in town for the weekend from San Diego.  It was so much fun to see them again after 8 years.  I had missed them so much since we all graduated from OT school and this was such a special year for us.

Saddest Moment
Saying “goodbye” to Koa.  IMG_6321I still miss him so much.

Worst (and Hungriest) Moment
Waiting for my surgery.  IMG_0486I hadn’t eaten anything since the day before at 8pm and my surgery from pushed from 2 pm to 5 pm.  I had a raging headache and was slowly melting into my chair by 4pm when the nurse finally gave me some IV fluids.

Biggest Accomplishment
Breastfeeding Kumquat until she was 13 months old.


It was tough to stick with it but also tough to let go at the same time.  I’m so glad that I did it for so long and happy that weaning was a piece of cake for Kumquat.

Biggest Failure
I didn’t lose all my pregnancy weight.
IMG_4180I was just 5 pounds away from getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight in May.  Then I stopped breastfeeding.  At that point, my metabolism came to a screeching halt and the pounds came back one-by-one.  Despite the running and cutting down on my intake, I am now 10 pounds away and stuck.  This is when being old really sucks.

Best Meal
Hm…I’d say it was probably any time that we’ve been to Hillstone.
IMG_6688 We went a lot this past year because they have good steak, free corkage, my favorite Key Lime Pie, consistent service, and Kumquat is always welcome.  We even went there for our 11th anniversary dinner AND brought Kumquat along.  Yep, that’s our life now.

Runner up was the meal we had at Morimoto.

uni carbonaraThe Uni Carbonara still makes my mouth water when I think about it.

Worst Meal
The meal that comes to mind is the night we went to Little Sheep Hot Pot. 

IMG_7033The food was decent but it was the experience that made it the worst meal of the year.  The meal involved a toddler seated in a tippy booster seat at a table with boiling water nearby.  She also just finished a 7-hour car ride and just wanted to run around in the booth touching all the breakable bowls and utensils (and of course the boiling pot of water).  Both of us didn’t eat much that night.

Best Vacation
Sibling Trip to Maui in March DSC_0531We rented a house in Maui with Brother, Joy, Jason, and Jia and had such a good time.  It was also when Brother and Joy secretly told me that they were expecting a baby.  What a great week.

Worst Vacation
We didn’t have one this year but my worst travel experience for the year was when we flew to Portland.  IMG_2551We took an evening flight and Kumquat wasn’t able to settle down in my lap.  She cried and fussed the entire 2-hour flight and finally fell asleep 10 minutes before landing.  *sigh* Luckily the flight back was better – aside from the 2-hour delay.

Overall, I’d say 2013 was a productive and eventful year.  We’re raising a great kid who turned 1 in 2013 and moved into toddlerhood without any major illnesses or problems.  I also became an aunt this year with the birth of Alice on Halloween.  This was our 6th year in SF and Jes was also promoted.  Living in The City hasn’t really gotten old yet and thankfully we haven’t outgrown our 1-bedroom condo just yet.  Life is good.  I have no complaints.

Happy 2014!

Girls’ Night Out

IMG_9151This is what Girls’ Night Out looks like for me nowadays.  We had been cooped up in the house all afternoon and Jes was still at work pretty late.  So, we packed up and went next door for margaritas/milk and tacos.  Eventually, Jes met up with us but it’s nice to know that I have someone to go out with now when the husband is out late.  We were still home in time to settle down and get to bed at the usual time.

BART Adventure

IMG_9069 The girls planned a Happy Hour this evening and I was up to the challenge of going home, packing up the baby (and her stuff), and taking her to Oakland by Muni and BART.  It was easier that I expected and actually pretty fun.  I enjoy my girl time with Kumquat and love seeing the world through her eyes.  IMG_9087Something as simple as an escalator is like a new adventure.  It was also neat to see how she was able to figure out when to step off the moving steps at the top.IMG_9071I was afraid she would want to wander off each time I had to let go of her hand to unfold the stroller and I thought she would mess around or turn into a potato on the floor while we transferred trains.  Instead, she held my hand and stayed put when she was supposed to.  She even managed to walk up the stairs at to the Rockridge station platform all on her own power without pooping out.  IMG_9083Having a toddler is tough sometimes but I can’t describe how proud I am of her each day.  She’s becoming such a big girl and while she impressed me at my Work Holiday Party, this adventure impressed me even more.

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