Browse Month: December 2013


IMG_7937On Sunday morning, we went to Sunday Service and Kumquat loved the Children’s choir performance.

Here she is during the performance.  She tried to copy their moves and added some of her own.  Click here if you can’t see this video above.

IMG_7947In the afternoon, I drove down Irvine to meet up with Patty and Patti.  I hadn’t been back to Patty’s house since my baby shower!

IMG_7946It was so fun to see Kumquat trying to join the older girls.

IMG_7943Seeing Mochi was also good for me and for Kumquat.  He’s the closest thing we have to Koa (they’re 3/4 brothers) and I just wanted to take him home with me.  It was fun watching Kumquat trying to give him snuggles like she used to to Koa.

IMG_7985This is one of the best things about Christmas time.  I get to catch up with old friends and Kumquat gets to make new ones.  Thanks for hosting, Patty!  We loved seeing all of you!!

You can see more photos here.

Winter Break

IMG_7851 Let the vacation begin!  I have 11 days off!  Woot!  I haven’t had a break this long since my maternity leave!  I feel so lucky the have the time off since we’re running really thin on staff this coming week at work.

IMG_7856On Friday night, we went out to eat and Kumquat and I shared a tomato and burrata salad and mac and cheese.  I also kicked off the break with a nice strong drink.

On Saturday morning, I had lots of laundry and packing to do.  We left around 12:45 and Kumquat slept most of the way.  IMG_7864IMG_7873We stopped once to eat and once to pick up coffee where she got to run around and got a hold of my phone for a bit.

IMG_7881It was only during the last hour that Kumquat started to get really antsy so she got to watch some videos.  The trip took a total of 7.5 hours and the drive was congested at times but overall a smooth ride.

It’s good to be back in SoCal and at The Magical House.  I love having the grandparents around to hang out with Kumquat.  Jes and I were even able to get away for a quick trip to Target late last night to buy a few things.  Aaah…I feel more relaxed already.

Gingerbread House

IMG_7810I decided to get into the Christmas spirit by entering our department in the Gingerbread House Contest.  With some help from my co-workers, we managed to make a house with a ramp, some janky-looking wheelchairs, and trees made out of thermoplastic scraps.  Ryan even made a pipecleaner four-point cane and walker.  Don’t think we’ll win next to the fancier houses but oh well.  Merry Christmas!!

Dual Birthday

IMG_7716On Saturday, we went to CuriOdyssey for Bang and Rowan’s birthdays.  It was nice to catch up with old friends.  IMG_7731These boys were roommates back in college and I love that some things haven’t changed despite all these years and so many life-changing events.


I loved seeing Kumquat sitting at the kid table.  That’s Rowan, the birthday boy, eating his lunch.IMG_7730This is the picture of Reese thoroughly enjoying some cake for once.  She’s allergic to dairy and usually doesn’t get to having any birthday cake.  Vyl made a gluten-free-dairy-free cake and she loved it.

IMG_9048Happy Birthday to Bang and Rowan!!

Party Girl

IMG_7666I don’t really know what’s going on but Kumquat has been waking up in the middle of the night and partying.  My hunches are that she may be going through a growth spurt, teething, or she’s sick.  I’m thinking it’s a growth spurt since she seems well, I can’t feel any new molars, and she’s been asking for more milk lately.  All I know is that she was up from 4-6 am on Tuesday morning and she was up from 12-1:30am this morning.  She rolled around and was really restless so I wasn’t able to get any sleep too.  I really hope this doesn’t last long.  I came home sick with a fever of 100.4 this afternoon and my stomach has not been treating me very well for the past 24 hours.  This photo was taken earlier in the evening when I was hopeful that she would sleep better last night.  I was wrong.


DSC_4052My cousin Andrew is on a little break before starting the CRNA program at Duke so he came out to California to visit all his cousins.  I hadn’t seen him in over 10 years! IMG_7594 He went to see Ishya and the twins yesterday and this morning Uncle Sak drove him up to visit us!  DSC_4053We took a leisurely walk down to the Ferry Building for brunch and Andrew got to snap some photos.

His next stop will be SoCal where he’ll be visiting my parents, Brother, and Pish.  Good times…